Dagstuhl Seminar 02101
Theory and Application of Abstract State Machines
( Mar 03 – Mar 08, 2002 )
- Andreas R. Blass (University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, US)
- Egon Börger (University of Pisa, IT)
- Yuri Gurevich (Microsoft Research - Redmond, US)
Tommaso Bolognesi sent us a link to his pictures taken during seminar 02101:
The advances in the theory, the tool development, and the progressive industrial employment of Abstract State Machines (ASMs) in the 90's have turned ASMs into a practical technique for disciplined rigorous software engineering in the large, see http://www.eecs.umich.edu/gasm/. We invite ASM researchers and industrial users of ASMs, with the intention to strengthen the interaction between theory and practice and to enhance a fruitful technology transfer. The seminar is intended to survey and critically evaluate the current academic and industrial developments, and to identify new challenges for ASM modeling and analysis, coming in particular from object-oriented and component based design techniques for distributed systems, software architecture patterns, mobile computing, and security needs.
SMs offer a certain number of theoretically well founded and industrially useful methods that support the entire software development cycle. These include rigorous modeling, analysis and validation methods a) for the requirements, during the early phases of industrial software development, and b) for the refinement of the high level models through a design process which reliably connects the requirements to the code. It will be evaluated how, via executable ground models, ASMs support the elicitation, specification, inspection and testing of requirements. Particular attention will be paid to how ASMs can enhance state-of-the-art code testing methods, by providing model based sample techniques, oracles, and comparators. It will also be studied how the stepwise refinement of ASMs to executable code, in particular decomposition and structuring of large machines, support a practical documentation discipline for code maintenance and reuse.
The participants are invited to present a few plenary talks and demos of new tools, beside which the seminar will provide ample opportunities for small working groups on themes suggested by the participants. We expect the seminar to result in further cross-fertilization between research and practical applications of ASMs and in showing directions for further integration of ASMS into current system engineering methods. We plan to collect, after the seminar, revised and refereed versions of major contributions to the seminar into a publication.
- Wolfgang Ahrendt (Chalmers UT - Göteborg, SE) [dblp]
- Matthias Anlauff (Kestrel Institute, US)
- Michael Barnett (Microsoft Research - Redmond, US)
- Danièle Beauquier (Université Paris-Est Créteil, FR)
- Christoph Beierle (FernUniversität in Hagen, DE) [dblp]
- Andreas R. Blass (University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, US) [dblp]
- Tommaso Bolognesi (CNR - Pisa, IT)
- Egon Börger (University of Pisa, IT) [dblp]
- Marco Börger (DIRON - Münster, DE)
- Alessandra Cavarra (University of Oxford, GB)
- Jim Davies (University of Oxford, GB)
- Giuseppe Del Castillo (Nokia Siemens Networks - München, DE)
- Paolo Di Prima (University of Catania, IT)
- Igor Durdanovic (NEC Laboratories America, Inc. - Princeton, US)
- Robert Eschbach (TU Kaiserslautern, DE)
- Dirk Fischer (Universität Paderborn, DE)
- Werner Gabrisch (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, DE)
- Didier Galmiche (LORIA - Nancy, FR)
- Angelo Gargantini (Università di Bergamo, IT) [dblp]
- Vincenzo Gervasi (University of Pisa, IT) [dblp]
- Uwe Glässer (Simon Fraser University - Burnaby, CA) [dblp]
- Sabine Glesner (TU Berlin, DE) [dblp]
- Reinhard Gotzhein (TU Kaiserslautern, DE)
- Erich Grädel (RWTH Aachen, DE) [dblp]
- Wolfgang Grieskamp (Microsoft Research - Redmond, US) [dblp]
- Yuri Gurevich (Microsoft Research - Redmond, US) [dblp]
- James K. Huggins (Kettering University - Flint, US)
- Heinrich Hußmann (TU Dresden, DE)
- Jim Kajiya (Microsoft Research - Redmond, US)
- Martin Kardos (Universität Paderborn, DE)
- Ulrich Klehmet (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, DE)
- Marcin Mlotkowski (Wroclaw University of Technology, PL)
- Lev Nachmanson (Microsoft Research - Redmond, US) [dblp]
- Gopalan Nadathur (University of Minnesota - Minneapolis, US)
- Stanislas Nanchen (ETH Zürich, CH)
- Zsolt Nemeth (Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Budapest, HU)
- Marianna Nicolosi (University of Catania, IT)
- Antje Nowack (RWTH Aachen, DE)
- Peter Päppinghaus (Nokia Siemens Networks - München, DE)
- Andreas Podelski (MPI für Informatik - Saarbrücken, DE) [dblp]
- Anne Preller (University of Montpellier 2, FR)
- Andreas Prinz (University of Agder - Grimstad, NO) [dblp]
- Wolfgang Reisig (HU Berlin, DE) [dblp]
- Elvinia Riccobene (University of Milan, IT) [dblp]
- Salvatore Rinzivillo (University of Pisa, IT)
- Thomas Rödding (DIRON - Münster, DE)
- Dean Rosenzweig (University of Zagreb, HR)
- Gerhard Schellhorn (Universität Augsburg, DE) [dblp]
- Joachim Schmid (Siemens AG - München, DE)
- Peter H. Schmitt (KIT - Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, DE) [dblp]
- Wolfgang Schönfeld (Fraunhofer Institut - Darmstadt, DE)
- Anatol Slissenko (Université Paris-Est Créteil, FR) [dblp]
- Diego Sona (University of Pisa, IT)
- Robert Stärk (ETH Zürich, CH)
- Asuman Sünbül (SAP Labs - Palo Alto, US)
- Bernhard Thalheim (Universität Kiel, DE) [dblp]
- Nikolai Tillmann (Microsoft Research - Redmond, US) [dblp]
- Margus Veanes (Microsoft Research - Redmond, US) [dblp]
- Charles Wallace (Michigan Technological University - Houghton, US)
- Karsten Wolf (HU Berlin, DE) [dblp]
- Wolf Zimmermann (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, DE)