Dagstuhl Seminar 02341
Performance Analysis and Distributed Computing
( Aug 18 – Aug 23, 2002 )
- Michael Gerndt (TU München, DE)
- Vladimir S. Getov (University of Westminder. - London, GB)
- Adolfy Hoisie (Los Alamos National Lab., US)
- Allen D. Malony (University of Oregon - Eugene, US)
- Barton P. Miller (University of Wisconsin - Madison, US)
External Homepage
The performance of parallel and distributed systems and applications - its evaluation, analysis, prediction and optimization - is a fundamental topic for research investigation and a technological problem that requires innovations in tools and techniques to keep pace with system and application evolution. This dual view of performance "science" and performance "technology" jointly spans broad fields of performance modeling, evaluation, instrumentation, measurement, analysis, monitoring, optimization, and prediction.
Most of the past and current research on performance analysis is focused on high-performance computing using dedicated parallel machines since performance is the ultimate goal in this environment. Future applications in the area of high-performance computing will not only use individual parallel systems but a large set of networked resources. This scenario of computational and data grids is attracting a lot of attention from application scientists as well as from computer scientists. In addition to the inherent complexity of program tuning on parallel machines, the sharing of resources and the transparency of the actual available resources introduce new challenges on performance analysis systems and performance tuning techniques. To meet those challenges, experts in parallel computing have to work together with experts in distributed computing. Aspects such as network performance, quality-of-service, security, heterogeneity, middleware systems, and object-oriented modeling - just to mention a few - will have a big impact on grid computing strategies.
Therefore, the seminar will bring together people from high-performance and distributed computing to discuss the impact of the following aspects on performance analysis for grid environments. The seminar will develop perspectives for performance oriented program development not only in scientific computing but also in commercial distributed computing. The workshop is scheduled for the week before Euro-Par in Paderborn (http://europar.upb.de/) to allow people to attend both events.
Topics to be covered include:
- Performance analysis tools and techniques for parallel computers
- Performance tools for distributed applications
- Network performance measurement and quality-of-service
- Performance models
- Performance data requirements of
- adaptive algorithms, e.g. caching schemes for web services and video streaming as well as load balancing techniques
- scheduling and resource management techniques
- accounting for grid environments
- Standard formats for performance data and protocols for accessing performance data
- Automation techniques for the performance analysis process
- Security requirements for performance analysis systems
- Integration of performance analysis and performance tuning
- Cliff Addison (University of Manchester, GB)
- Scott Baden (University of California - San Diego, US)
- Bartosz Balis (University of Mining and Metallurgy - Krakow, PL)
- Marian Bubak (AGH University of Science & Technology - Krakow, PL) [dblp]
- Larry Carter (University of California - San Diego, US)
- José G. Castanos (IBM TJ Watson Research Center, US)
- Salvador Coll Arnau (Universidad Politécnica - Valencia, ES)
- Beniamino Di Martino (Seconda Universitá di Napoli, IT)
- Marios Dikaiakos (University of Cyprus, CY)
- Thomas Fahringer (Universität Wien, AT) [dblp]
- Jeanne Ferrante (University of California - San Diego, US) [dblp]
- Carsten Franke (TU Dortmund, DE) [dblp]
- Karl Fürlinger (TU München, DE) [dblp]
- Michael Gerndt (TU München, DE) [dblp]
- Vladimir S. Getov (University of Westminder. - London, GB)
- John Gurd (University of Manchester, GB)
- Adolfy Hoisie (Los Alamos National Lab., US) [dblp]
- Hans Christian Hoppe (Pallas GmbH - Brühl, DE)
- Arun Iyengar (IBM TJ Watson Research Center, US)
- Karen L. Karavanic (Portland State University, US) [dblp]
- Paul H. J. Kelly (Imperial College London, GB) [dblp]
- Darren Kerbyson (Los Alamos National Lab., US)
- Edmond Kereku (TU München, DE)
- Dieter Kranzlmüller (Universität Linz, AT) [dblp]
- Craig A. Lee (The Aerospace Corp. - El Segundo, US)
- Emilio Luque Fadon (Autonomus University of Barcelona, ES)
- Allen D. Malony (University of Oregon - Eugene, US) [dblp]
- Tomas Margalef (Autonomus University of Barcelona, ES)
- Hamza Mehammed (TU München, DE)
- Barton P. Miller (University of Wisconsin - Madison, US) [dblp]
- Bernd Mohr (Jülich Supercomputing Centre, DE) [dblp]
- Scott Pakin (Los Alamos National Lab., US)
- Holger Pals (Universität Lübeck, DE)
- Norbert Podhorszki (Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Budapest, HU) [dblp]
- Thierry Priol (INRIA - Rennes, FR) [dblp]
- Thomas Rauber (Universität Bayreuth, DE) [dblp]
- Graham Riley (University of Manchester, GB)
- Mathilde Romberg (Jülich Supercomputing Centre, DE)
- Diane T. Rover (The Krell Institute - Ames, US)
- Gudula Rünger (TU Chemnitz, DE) [dblp]
- Andreas C. Schmidt (TU München, DE)
- Clovis Seragiotto (Universität Wien, AT)
- Sameer Shende (University of Oregon - Eugene, US)
- Josep Torrellas (University of Illinois - Urbana, US)
- Jesper Larsson Träff (NEC Europe - St. Augustin, DE) [dblp]
- Arjan van Gemund (TU Delft, NL)
- Harvey Wasserman (Los Alamos National Lab., US)
- Roland Wismüller (Universität Siegen, DE)
- Felix Wolf (University of Tennessee, US) [dblp]
- Kwok Yeung (Imperial College London, GB)
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