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  • the dblp Computer Science Bibliography

dblp Advisory Board

The dblp advisory board consists of a number of established computer scientists and research information infrastructure experts. The purpose of the dblp Advisory Board is to provide support of and scientific supervision for the dblp computer science bibliography.


Meeting minutes

Contact dblp

Rules of procedure

Version of September 17th, 2020

  • Task. The purpose of the dblp Advisory Board is to provide support of and scientific supervision for the dblp computer science bibliography. In particular, the board
    • advises the dblp team in all matters regarding the strategic development of dblp as a database and as a service,
    • defines the guidelines and standards regulating the inclusion of new data to dblp,
    • monitors the development of the database,
    • supports the dblp team by providing their expertise,
    • represents dblp in the scientific community.
  • Membership. The dblp Advisory Board consists of established computer scientists and research information infrastructure experts. The University of Trier is represented by at least one member, as is Schloss Dagstuhl LZI by its Scientific Director. The board should consist of at least six, but no more than ten members in total.
  • Mandate Apart from the representative of the University of Trier and Scientific Director of Schloss Dagstuhl LZI, board members have a 4-year mandate, renewable once. Former members may be nominated again, after a gap of at least 4 years. New members are nominated by the current members of the board, who will consult Schloss Dagstuhl's Scientific Advisory Board in the process. In the deliberation on the nomination of new members of the board, such considerations as internationality and gender shall be taken into account in order to avoid uniformity of any kind.
  • Chairperson. The members of the dblp Advisory Board elect one of their members as chairperson for a 2-year mandate, renewable twice. The chairperson appoints and chairs the meetings of the board. The chairperson is supported in all administrative matters by Schloss Dagstuhl LZI.
  • Meetings. The dblp Advisory Board usually meets once a year in the Schloss Dagstuhl facilities in Wadern, Germany. Members may attend in person or by means of electronic communication. Meetings should be appointed ideally one year in advance, but at least six weeks before the meeting takes place.
  • Resolutions. On motion of one of its members, the dblp Advisory Board may pass resolutions. Resolutions can be passed on regular meetings or by circular resolution. Resolutions need the support of the majority of the members of the board to pass.
  • Meeting notes. A summary of each meeting has to be written in order to record its decisions. The meeting notes should be made publicly available on the web. If the meeting notes contain personal or sensitive data, these shall be stripped from the public meeting notes and an internal summary shall be recorded.