Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik GmbH is committed to creating an environment where all staff, guests, contractors, exhibitors, and participants feel safe and welcome. In all activities that take place at the Schloss Dagstuhl facilities and in relation to a Dagstuhl event, it is of highest priority that an atmosphere is created where everyone is encouraged to express themselves and to exchange their ideas openly and freely. To this end, Dagstuhl supports and includes guests and staff of every age, belief or religion, body size, color, cultural background, economic class, gender, gender identity or expression, immigration status, labor union membership, marital status, mental and physical ability, national or ethnic origin, neurodiversity, physical appearance, race, sex, or sexual orientation. It is also important to the optimizing of this exchange of ideas that equity, diversity, and inclusion are facilitated and promoted and that all sectors of society and all levels of research seniority are appropriately incorporated; that the full participation of all individuals is encouraged. Schloss Dagstuhl expects everyone to treat everyone equally with respect, dignity, and consideration.
The meetings at Schloss Dagstuhl are premised on the assumption that sequestering a group for a few days in the same place in a favorable environment fosters research or completion of a common goal in a special way that is difficult to achieve otherwise. These unique circumstances and the closeness bear risks of misconduct. As an employer and as a host to many thousands of visitors from all over the world, Schloss Dagstuhl is committed to protecting all staff and all guests from any form of violence, harassment, discrimination, or condescension. Behaviors that undermine the respect, self-esteem, dignity, and productivity of its guests or staff will not be tolerated. All persons working in and around Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik are called upon to take personal responsibility to ensure its welcoming environment. This includes exercising consideration in word and deed, refraining from acts of misconduct in speech and behavior, being mindful of surroundings and of people nearby, and taking appropriate action in the event that unacceptable behavior is observed or experienced.
Participation, in any capacity, at Schloss Dagstuhl is dependent on the agreement to abide by this code of conduct.