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Schloss Dagstuhl Services
Within this website:
External resources:
  • DOOR (for registering your stay at Dagstuhl)
  • DOSA (for proposing future Dagstuhl Seminars or Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshops)
Within this website:
External resources:
Within this website:
External resources:
  • the dblp Computer Science Bibliography

Research Guests

Schloss Dagstuhl is also an excellent place to retreat for undisturbed research. For this reason, we are particularly pleased to offer individuals or small groups the opportunity to spend several days or weeks on a research stay.

In general, this would be a stay of 1 to 3 persons for up to 5 days, between Sunday afternoon and Friday. On request, longer stays or different days for arrival and departure are possible, for example following other events. Note, however, that on weekends Dagstuhl does not provide catering.


  • Organizers: typically 1 to 3
  • Participants: not applicable
  • Duration: varying (typically 5 days)
  • Fee: typically 420€ (prices valid until Dec. 31, 2025)
  • Applying: anytime
  • Scheduling: by arrangement, also on short notice
  • Approval: Scientific Director


Christina Schwarz

Contact Research Guests


The fee for Research Guests depends on the length of their stay. For details, please refer to our Expenses page.


It is required to submit an application, with:

  • (brief) scientific CV of each participant,
  • Title of the research stay (max. 80 characters),
  • desired duration,
  • a short description of the scientific project to be worked on at Schloss Dagstuhl, including 2-3 sentences to be published on the webpage of the research stay and the consent of the authors to this publication under the CC-BY license "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0". Since only projects in the field of computer science can be accepted, the computer science reference should be made clear.

The Scientific Director decides on the approval of the application. We will do our best to meet your scheduling requirements. Please send the application or further questions to: service(at)