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Schloss Dagstuhl Services
Within this website:
External resources:
  • DOOR (for registering your stay at Dagstuhl)
  • DOSA (for proposing future Dagstuhl Seminars or Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshops)
Within this website:
External resources:
Within this website:
External resources:
  • the dblp Computer Science Bibliography

Research Meetings

As capacity permits Schloss Dagstuhl offers its facilities for short small research meetings and research group retreats. Schloss Dagstuhl has no influence whatsoever on the content of these events. However, they must have a computer science theme and must not directly serve a commercial purpose.

There are no restrictions with regard to the nationality of the organizers or participants.


  • Organizers: typically 1 to 2
  • Participants: up to 25 (typically 15)
  • Duration: up to 5 days (typically 2)
  • Fee: 100€ to 420€ (prices valid until Dec. 31, 2025)
  • Applying: anytime
  • Scheduling: within the next 6 to 9 months, by arrangement
  • Approval: Scientific Director


Christina Schwarz

Contact Other Events

Participation and Format

The group of participants will be determined by the organizers.

The number of participants and the duration of the event depend on the organizers' wishes as well as the available capacity at Schloss Dagstuhl. On individual cases, up to 25 persons can be accommodated on request for up to 5 days. The average is about 15 persons for 2 days.

The information for participants and arrival provide important and useful information on how to get to Schloss Dagstuhl and about the venue.


The fee for participants depends on the length of the research meeting. For details, please refer to our Expenses page

If, in exceptional cases, an additional participation fee is charged by the organizers, we require a justification and a cost calculation.

Application Format

It is sufficient to send an informal request to service(at) including:

  • Names of the organizers,
  • Title of the event (max. 80 characters),
  • desired duration and number of participants,
  • a paragraph with a short description of the topic, which makes clear the relation to computer science and can be published on the webpage of the event, ideally already with the agreement of all authors of this description to publish it on the website under the CC-BY license "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0",
  • and an explanation how the planned event furthers Schloss Dagstuhl's mission
    • to promote basic research and application-oriented research in the field of Informatics,
    • to support advanced, scientific vocational training and further education in the field of Informatics, and
    • to further the transfer of knowledge between the research into, and application of, Informatics.

Application Process and Schedule

The application must be approved by the Scientific Director.

The scheduling depends on available capacity, but usually happens within 6 to 9 months.