Schloss Dagstuhl, the Leibniz Center for Informatics, is recognized worldwide for its scientific meetings. At Dagstuhl Seminars and Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshops, the most renowned scientists in computer science along with promising young researchers discuss scientific developments and exchange their ideas. Both these seminar types are subject to an exacting quality assurance process. A small group of scientists of international standing submit a proposal for a seminar on a specific research topic along with a list of possible participants. The proposal is reviewed and decided on by the center's Scientific Directorate. If accepted, Schloss Dagstuhl provides its facilities as well as logistical and administrative support. The proposers remain responsible for the scientific program of their event. Participation in a seminar is by invitation from Schloss Dagstuhl. Such extensive support is not afforded to the other types of events at Schloss Dagstuhl: Summer schools, research meetings, and so-called GI-Dagstuhl Seminars, which are offered in cooperation with the Gesellschaft für Informatik (German Informatics Society), and are predominantly aimed at junior scientists. Retreats for research guests are also hosted by Schloss Dagstuhl.
Events at Schloss Dagstuhl profit from the special ambience and setup of our facilities. Lecture halls and an abundance of small meeting rooms are just a start along with a modern IT infrastructure. Our well-stocked research library is a bonus that you will be hard-pressed to find elsewhere. With room and board also provided on site, our guests work and live together on the same premises which provides many opportunities for chance interactions that would not happen otherwise. Random seating at meals along with a music room, a ping-pong/fitness room, and common rooms for evening wine and cheese as well as other features help to encourage further chance meetings and interactions between our guests. Finally, the somewhat remote location of Schloss Dagstuhl not only provides wonderful natural surroundings, but also helps to keep our guests available on site.
Since its start in 1990 Schloss Dagstuhl has welcomed more than 50,000 participants in Dagstuhl Seminars and Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshops, the majority from the international scientific community. Among them there have been more than 25 Turing Award winners. Typically some 3,500 national and international guests visit Dagstuhl per year to take part in one of the approximately 100 seminars and other events.
For application and other details on the individual event types, please see the information below and the respective event type webpages linked below.