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Schloss Dagstuhl Services
Within this website:
External resources:
  • DOOR (for registering your stay at Dagstuhl)
  • DOSA (for proposing future Dagstuhl Seminars or Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshops)
Within this website:
External resources:
Within this website:
External resources:
  • the dblp Computer Science Bibliography


Schloss Dagstuhl is indebted to the federal and state governments from whom it receives the majority of its budget, which allows us to set event fees that are lower than if the fees would have to cover all of our costs.

Note that the event fees include overnight accommodation in a single room and full board as well as use of all of Dagstuhl's facilities and services, for example Wifi, meeting rooms, our library, and leisure facilities. The fees are a package price, thus it is impossible to indicate separate sums for separate parts of our services on the bill.

We kindly ask you to pay the fees and personal expenses when you check out before 12pm and vacate your room by 9am on the day of your departure. Before checking out, make sure you have tallied your personal expenses – like extra beverages and snacks – using the ‘additional costs’ leaflet (the one with the floor plan on the backside) which you received from us during check-in. Water from water dispensers, coffee, and tea are free. You can get separate bills for the registration fee for the event in which you participated (which includes room and board) and your personal expenses, or a single bill.

Methods of Payment

Accepted cards:

For more details, please select the type of your event:

Any further questions?

Please contact Schloss Dagstuhl's administration:

For questions regarding your invoice, please reach out to


For questions regarding your reservation, please reach out to

Saarbrücken Office

Seminar Fees

Dagstuhl Seminars, Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshops, and GI-Dagstuhl-Seminars Participants
 Seminar Length
 3 Days4 Days5 days
1 Participant / Room180 €240 €300 €
2 Participants* / Room150 €200 €250 €

* For 2 participants that share a room, we grant a reduction of the fees.
Note that due to inflation and the associated collective wage agreement, Dagstuhl will have to increase the fees by 10€ for each day,  effective from 01.01.2026.

Note that the we charge a seminar fee, thus a stay shorter than the seminar duration does not lead to a reduction. A longer stay may be possible if you get in touch with us early enough and would incur extra fees.

For organizers of Dagstuhl-Seminars or Dagstuhl-Perspectives-Workshops the seminar fee is waived and they pay only for their personal expenses.

Note that GI-Dagstuhl-Seminars are subsidized by the GI which, with Schloss Dagstuhl covering a small remaining difference, brings the fees down to those of a regular Dagstuhl Seminar.

Meeting Fees

Retreats, Summer Schools, and Research Group Meetings Participants
 Meeting Length
 1 Day2 Days3 Days4 Days5 Days
1 Participant / Room100 €180 €260 €340 €420 €
2 Participants* / Room80 €150 €220 €290 €360 €

* For 2 participants that share a room, we grant a reduction of the fees.
Note that due to inflation and the associated collective wage agreement, Dagstuhl will have to increase the fees by 10€ for each day, effective from 01.01.2026.

Note that the we charge a meeting fee, thus a stay shorter than the meeting duration does not lead to a reduction. A longer stay may be possible if you get in touch with us early enough and would incur extra fees.

As an organizer, keep in mind that meetings usually start with arrival after 3pm and end with departure after lunch. For meetings starting earlier or ending later,  Schloss Dagstuhl reserves the right to increase the fees.

Research Stay Fees

Research Guests
 Stay Length
 1 Day2 Days3 Days4 Days5 Days
1 Participant / Room100 €180 €260 €340 €420 €
2 Participants* / Room80 €150 €220 €290 €360 €

* For 2 participants that share a room, we grant a reduction of the fees.
Note that due to inflation and the associated collective wage agreement, Dagstuhl will have to increase the fees by 10€ for each day, effective from 01.01.2026.

Partners and Companions

Please inquire early enough whether free capacity enables bringing a partner or companion. Partners and companions of registered participants in events at our center pay a fee which includes their room and board in accordance with the prices shown below.

If you would otherwise not be able to attend our events due to a lack of childcare opportunities at home, please consider the information about our childcare options.

Fees for Accompanying Persons
 Stay Length
 1 Day2 Days3 Days4 Days5 Days
1 Person / Room100 €180 €260 €340 €420 €
2 Persons* / Room80 €150 €220 €290 €360 €

* If 2 persons share a room, we grant a reduction of the fees.
Note that due to inflation and the associated collective wage agreement, Dagstuhl will have to increase the fees by 10€ for each day, effective from 01.01.2026.