Research Meeting 00352
"Informatics – 10 Years Back, 10 Years Ahead" Conference for Dagstuhl's 10th Anniversary
( Aug 28 – Aug 31, 2000 )
- R. Wilhelm (Schloss Dagstuhl)
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At the occasion of the 10th anniversary, a conference was held, under the name Informatics — 10 Years Back, 10 Years Ahead. It was meant to do globally what usually happens locally in one field or a few related fields of Informatics every week in Dagstuhl, namely that a group of scientists presents the state of the art, identifies relevant open problems, and develops visions for the future.
Internationally renowned researchers were asked to reflect upon what progress had been made in their field in the decade of Dagstuhl’s existence and what will probably be waiting for us in the next decade. We shamelessly, but successfully exploited their feelings of gratitude towards Dagstuhl; only very little pressure was necessary to make them accept the invitation. The speakers invested considerable effort into preparing their talks, and their enthusiasm was contagious; the audience was overwhelmed by talks of high quality. It was particularly welcome that a broad range of topics was presented, covering many areas of Informatics. The talks provoked quite lively discussions.
The speakers represented high competence across many areas of Informatics. It was therefore tempting to use their competence to discuss and identify GrandChallenges in Informatics. This discussion process was started before and continued during the conference. A number of challenges were identified. However, it could not be claimed that they were the grand challenges of Informatics.
We would like to acknowledge the kind support for the conference that was provided by a variety of sources. Saarland University offered its premises. Compaq, SAP AG, Dresdner Bank, Microsoft Research, Siemens AG, SUN Microsystems, DaimlerChrysler AG, and sd&m provided financial support. Prof. Wilhelm's very special thanks go to the speakers who invested time and energy intomaking the conference, and the book possible.
The program of the conference including talk abstracts are available under