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Dagstuhl Seminar 21122

Identifying Key Enablers in Edge Intelligence Postponed

( Mar 21 – Mar 24, 2021 )

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Dagstuhl Seminar 21342: Identifying Key Enablers in Edge Intelligence (2021-08-22 - 2021-08-25) (Details)




The Dagstuhl Seminar “Identifying Key Enablers in Edge Intelligence” brings together experts from distributed computing systems, edge infrastructures, applied artificial intelligence, machine learning, and related fields. Edge computing, a key part of the 5G networks and beyond, promises to decentralize cloud applications while providing more bandwidth and reducing latencies. The promises are delivered by moving application-specific computations between the cloud, the data producing devices, and the network infrastructure components at the edges of wireless and fixed networks. However, the current AI/ML methods assume computations are conducted in a powerful computational infrastructure, such as a homogeneous cloud with ample computing and data storage resources available. In this seminar, we discuss and develop presumptions for a comprehensive view of AI methods and capabilities in the context of edge computing, and provide a roadmap to bring together enablers and key aspects for edge computing and applied AI/ML fields.

Copyright Lei Chen, Aaron Yi Ding, Ella Peltonen, Sasu Tarkoma, and Lars Wolf

  • Lei Chen (HKUST - Kowloon, HK) [dblp]
  • Aaron Ding (TU Delft, NL) [dblp]
  • Lars Wolf (TU Braunschweig, DE) [dblp]
  • Ella Peltonen (University of Oulu, FI) [dblp]
  • Sasu Tarkoma (University of Helsinki, FI) [dblp]

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Distributed / Parallel / and Cluster Computing
  • Networking and Internet Architecture

  • Edge Computing
  • Communication Networks
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Intelligent Networking