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Research Meeting 23053

Structures on Surfaces

( Jan 30 – Feb 03, 2023 )

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Understanding the geometry of surfaces is of paramount importance in a number of fields. Based around a team of computer scientists and mathematicians working in computational geometry, combinatorics, geometric topology, and geometric analysis, our project is built upon a solid basis of common interests and a wide range of expertise. Communication is key to innovation and yet we come from communities which do not generally communicate, despite there being common interests and obvious advantages to pulling our forces to solidify and expand the mathematical basis and explore the fascinating world of surfaces.

This project has been built to foster creativity, and with it has provided an array of unexpected results, producing deliverables ranging from research articles on the mathematical foundations of surface theory to software. This is only obtainable by putting the right people together.

To reach our combined goals, we are working on exploring the mathematical foundations of surface theory, developing efficient algorithms based on the structural properties of the objects that we study, and making them available by implementing our results.

Copyright Éric Colin de Verdière, Hugo Parlier, and Monique Teillaud

  • Computational Geometry
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Discrete Mathematics