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Research Meeting 24343

Efficient simulation of long-range interacting quantum matter

( Aug 21 – Aug 23, 2024 )

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  • Andreas Buchheit (Universität des Saarlandes - Saarbrücken, DE)
  • Benedikt Fauseweh (TU Dortmund, DE)



Long-range interactions are abundant in nature and play a crucial role in understanding exotic quantum phenomena such as superconductivity. However, simulating these interactions presents significant challenges. In a recent breakthrough, we generalized a 300-year-old formula, the Euler-Maclaurin summation formula, resulting in the Singular Euler-Maclaurin expansion, which is now applicable to general long-range interacting lattices. In this workshop, we aim to further extend and apply this method to design algorithms that can predict and design technologically relevant materials exhibiting quantum effects on a macroscale.

Copyright Andreas Buchheit