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Research Meeting 25423

Methodological Advancements in Information Hiding

( Oct 15 – Oct 17, 2025 )

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Information hiding deals with the concealment of information during storage (e.g., within filesystems) and transfer (e.g., through computer networks). Information hiding techniques can be used to transfer information in a stealthy manner. For instance, journalists can apply such techniques to circumvent Internet censorship systems.

The research group meeting deals with fundamental advancements regarding the basic research methodology in information hiding. To this end, the meeting will investigate methodology that addresses the optimization of information hiding methods as well as their detectability and robustness. Further, the meeting will focus on the unification of terminology and taxonomy of the different sub-disciplines of information hiding. Finally, the research meeting aims to improve the transition of information hiding research methodology into applied domains so that research outcomes become more accessible to journalists and other potential end-users.

Copyright Steffen Wendzel