Dagstuhl Seminar 9125
Query Processing in Object-Oriented, Complex Object, and Nested Relation Databases
( Jun 17 – Jun 21, 1991 )
- D. Maier
- G. Vossen
- J.Ch. Freytag
- Query processing for advanced database systems - Johann Christoph Freytag; David Maier; Gottfried Vossen - San Mateo : Morgan Kaufmann , 1994. - XXIII, 481 S - (The Morgan Kaufmann series in data management systems). ISBN: 1-55860-271-2.
The intent of this workshop was to bring together academic and industrial researchers working in query processing to discuss their initial efforts in solving these problems, to set forth new problems they have encountered in the process, and to generate ideas for new query processing strategies in advanced data models.
The meeting was the first database workshop held at Dagstuhl, and brought together 32 scientists from 8 different countries. During the week, 22 presentations were given with plenty of discussion time after each;in addition, two afternoons were reserved for discussion of special topics in small groups. The schedule for the different sessions and their contents was not determined in advance, rather the organizers wanted to be flexible in this matter and to react dynamically to requests and the questions raised by all participants during the various sessions. The special topics that we discussed in small groups were collected during the presentation sessions from the audience.In this way we were able to cover additional aspects of query processing that were not addressed by the presentations.
We felt that all participants enjoyed the workshop, and we wish to thank the Dagstuhl staff for ensuring that everything ran so smoothly.

- D. Maier
- G. Vossen
- J.Ch. Freytag