Dagstuhl Seminar 9507
Computer Aided Design and Test
( Feb 13 – Feb 17, 1995 )
- B. Becker
- Ch. Meinel
- O. Coudert
- R. Bryant
External Homepage
The third workshop on “Computer Aided Design and Test” at the IBFI Schloß Dagstuhl was organized by Bernd Becker (Univ. Frankfurt), Randy Bryant (Carnegie Mellon Univ.), Oliver Courdert (Synopsis) and Christoph Meinel (Univ. Trier). It was attended by 40 scientists. The organizers took the opportunity to bring together researchers from different areas in computer science, electrical engineering and industry.
The workshop focussed on Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) and related data structures in practical applications as well as in theoretical research. The success of BDDs in the CAD area has spawned research efforts on a number of fronts, including:
- Theoretical work on BDD-based data structures and algorithms;
- Applications in domains such as protocol verification, artificial intelligence, logic programming, and automated theorem proving;
- Extensions beyond Boolean functions to represent matrices, Markov systems, integer programming problems, multi-variate polynomials, and word-level circuit functions.
The workshop fostered deep and creative interactions among researchers in the CAD field, researchers from other domains making use of BDDs in their applications and theoreticians contributing to the core technology. Besides the common interest in BDD-based techniques which united all the participants the excellent atmosphere of the Dagstuhl-center provided the framework for an exceptional workshop.

- B. Becker
- Ch. Meinel
- O. Coudert
- R. Bryant
Related Seminars
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- Dagstuhl Seminar 99041: Computer Aided Design and Test Decision Diagrams - Concepts and Applications (1999-01-24 - 1999-01-29) (Details)
- Dagstuhl Seminar 01051: Computer Aided Design and Test - BDDs versus SAT (2001-01-28 - 2001-02-02) (Details)