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Good rating for Schloss Dagstuhl

The Center for Informatics keeps receiving funds by the German Federal Government and Federal States

In July 2009 the Leibniz Center for Informatics Schloss Dagstuhl was evaluated by the Senate Evaluation Committee of the Leibniz Association. The result was published on 17 March 2010: With outstanding success the Leibniz Center for Informatics (Schloss Dagstuhl – LZI GmbH) has been dedicating to the support of international research in computer science by providing a seminar center for scientific events. Hence, the Leibniz Senate recommends the Federal States as well as the Federal Government to continue their corporate funding.

Since its foundation in 1990 Schloss Dagstuhl has been offering national and international scientists a place to meet and discuss their current research problems and work cooperatively on solving them. In its evaluation statement the Senate of the Leibniz Association emphasizes the ability of Schloss Dagstuhl to provide an ambitious, relevant, and quality controlled seminar program to the international computer science world. The LZI’s scientific directorate therefore selects the best proposals to prepare a seminar program each year gathering more than 3000 renowned scientists as well as experts from industry in Schloss Dagstuhl. In addition, the Center pursues an effective promotion of young scientists. The Leibniz Senate also appreciates the efforts to increase the percentage of female participants.

In view of the still growing importance of computer science for economy and society, the LZI is – within its already successful efforts towards the interdisciplinary cooperation – encouraged to commit itself even more to demands and needs of other fields searching for computer science solutions.

Schloss Dagstuhl gains revenues by the guest’s contributions and is also funded by the German Federal Government and Federal States by half each. Even though Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate state governments engage with an increased share, the main part of LZI’s funding does not arise from local state budgets. This used to be different before the LZI joined the Leibniz Association in 2006: Until the end of 2005 Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate used to share the funding of Schloss Dagstuhl. Currently, the annual funding by the German Federal Government and Federal States is reaching 1.9 Mio EUR and has been increased once in 2010 by 1.4 Mio EUR for the building of a new guesthouse.

The LZI has 40 employees on 29 full-time positions. Besides others, the statement of the Leibniz Senate especially appreciates that Schloss Dagstuhl also offers apprenticeships. Since 1991 thirteen apprentices have completed their education and seven of them have been employed. In the current year again two young people will start their apprenticeship at Schloss Dagstuhl.

The extensive statement in German language is available for download on (see Evaluierung – Senatsstellungnahme – Leibniz Zentrum für Informatik (LZI)–Schloss Dagstuhl).