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Dagstuhl mourns the loss of Klaus Tschira


With great sadness we must report the death of Klaus Tschira, a great patron and sponsor of science and strong supporter of Schloss Dagstuhl.

A generous donor who funded several new initiatives at Dagstuhl through the Klaus Tschira Foundation, Klaus Tshira was also a committed partner who personally got involved in the projects he funded, freely giving of his time, counsel and ideas to help ensure their success.

Always interested in communication between the scientific community and the general public, he provided funding on several instances to support our annual scientific journalism workshop, "Writing about Informatics." His financial support through the Klaus Tschira Foundation was instrumental in bringing about the collaboration between Schloss Dagstuhl and dblp, whose work now represents a core part of Dagstuhl's mission. The Heidelberg Laureate Forum, a reflection of Klaus Tschira's commitment to helping young researchers grow into extraordinary scientists, was and is an inspiration to the world scientific community. Schloss Dagstuhl is proud to be a continuing part of this effort.

The Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, the Heidelberg Laureate Forum, and the Klaus Tschira Foundation all touched the core work of Schloss Dagstuhl and helped advance the work of countless scientists from around the work. They are a tribute to an extraordinary person and partner, whose loss we mourn and whose memory we honor by continuing the work he supported during his lifetime.