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  • the dblp Computer Science Bibliography


The Leibniz Center for Informatics celebrates the 32nd anniversary of international research in computer science being conducted in Schloss Dagstuhl.


The Leibniz Center for Informatics celebrates the 32nd anniversary of international research in computer science being conducted in Schloss Dagstuhl. Researchers from all over the world have met in Dagstuhl for 2 to the power of 5 years now to spend a week in each other’s company and to conduct research together. This occasion is being commemorated with a celebratory colloquium.

Every year about 3500 bright people head to the northern Saarland to network and to exchange new research findings and new ideas on scientific questions and approaches. This brings to Dagstuhl both internationally established luminaries as well as highly promising young researchers. This is reflected in the fact that more than a third of all recipients of the Turing Award – which can be considered as a kind of Nobel Prize for Computer Science – visited Schloss Dagstuhl at least once in their life. In addition to the above, Schloss Dagstuhl also supports the research in computer science by providing the renowned computer science bibliography dblp and by providing widely used open access publishing services.