2008-09-19 / Roswitha Bardohl
Scientists discuss juristic pitfalls of new communication forms in the internet.
2008-08-20 / Angelika Müller
Scientists discuss how informatics can support competitive sports.
2008-08-12 / Roswitha Bardohl
Scientists from different areas discuss the future of multi-agent systems.
2008-07-17 / Roswitha Bardohl
Writing about informatics due to thematical competence.
2008-02-14 / Roswitha Bardohl
Scientists from different research areas discuss the interpretation of video scenes.
2008-01-15 / Angelika Müller
Wissenschaftler und Industrievertreter aus verschiedenen europäischen Ländern diskutieren in Dagstuhl die Zukunft der Telekommunikationsnetze.
Medizin und Biologie treffen auf Informatik