2015-12-17 / Dagmar Glaser
Fortbildung für Volontäre und junge Journalisten
2015-12-04 / Dagmar Glaser
On 09.12.2015 Schloss Dagstuhl celebrates the 25th teacher training.
2015-11-12 / Dagmar Glaser
Is it possible to integrate autonmous vehicles into the everyday life?
2015-08-10 / Roswitha Bardohl
Nowadays, computer science is present in all spheres of life, thus making its techniques an option in supporting societal decision-making.
2015-06-22 / Laura Cunniff
Schloss Dagstuhl celebrates its 25th anniversary on July 3, 2015.
2015-06-19 / Dagmar Glaser
The dblp computer science biliography indexed its 3-millionth publication.