Stefan Ollinger
Fields of Duties
- NFDIxCS – National Research Data Infrastructure for and with Computer Science (2023-2028)
- NFDI4DataScience – National Research Data Infrastructure for DataScience & Artificial Intelligence (2021-2026)
- since October 2022: project staff at Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Center for Informatics
- 2020-2022: Software Engineer
- 2018-2019: Research assistant in computer science at the University of Trier
- 2014-2017: Developer of scalable web systems
- 2014: degree in computer Science from the University of Trier

Stefan Ollinger
dblp Computer Science Bibliography
Project Staff
Project Staff
Trier Office
dblp computer science bibliography
University of Trier
Campus II, H511-H517
54286 Trier, Germany