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GI-Dagstuhl Seminar 14382

Control Theory meets Software Engineering

( Sep 14 – Sep 19, 2014 )

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Modern software systems are complex and have to survive changes while they are operational in dynamic environments. The system should adapt at run-time to achieve continuous requirements satisfaction. Software adaptation is becoming a key feature of nowadays critical systems, with applications spreading from finance and cloud computing to bioengineering and cyber-physical systems.

The software engineering community is making a significant effort to developing self-adaptive systems. At the same time, control theory has established effective mechanisms to make controlled plants behave as expected. It is however very difficult to use control theory to solve software engineering problems, because of the intrinsic non-linearity, the variety of usage profiles, the interconnection of heterogeneous components, and the lack of control theory skills in the software engineering education, research, and practice. As a result, the current use of control theory is limited and hardly generalizable.

The aim of this GI-Dagstuhl Seminar is to bring together young researchers from the two communities of Software Engineering and Control Theory and to foster their cooperation. We would like to devise new modeling strategies for incorporating control in software systems design, empowering software engineers with theoretical and practical skills to bring control to the core of adaptation.

  • Adaptive Software
  • Control Theory
  • Dynamic Systems
  • Non-Functional Requirements
  • Cyber-Physical Systems