Research Meeting 21103
Explainable Artificial Intelligence
( Mar 10 – Mar 12, 2021 )
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- Bernhard Ganter (TU Dresden, DE)
- Anatol Reibold (von Vicht GmbH, DE)
- Karl Erich Wolff (Ernst-Schröder-Zentrum Darmstadt, DE)
- Heike Clemens (for administrative matters)
This project meeting under the heading Applications of Formal Sciences aims to promote the transfer of knowledge between formal sciences as informatics and mathematics on one side and on the other side applications of such formal sciences in practice. The theme of this meeting is Explainable Artificial Intelligence. For that purpose we critically study classical AI techniques and combine them with Formal Concept Analysis which allows to represent data without loss of information in the graphical form of line diagrams of concept lattices. This might enable human intelligence to better explain some results of artificial intelligence.

- cs.AR - Artificial Intelligence
- cs.DB - Data Bases
- cs.DS - Data Structures and Algorithms