GI-Dagstuhl Seminar 23473
Human Factors in Model-Driven Engineering
( Nov 19 – Nov 24, 2023 )
- Regina Hebig (Universität Rostock, DE)
- Jil Klünder (Leibniz Universität Hannover, DE)
- Grischa Liebel (Reykjavik University, IS)
- Heike Clemens (for administrative matters)
- Human Factors in Model-Driven Engineering: Future Research Goals and Initiatives for MDE - Liebel, Grischa; Lazik, Christopoher; Nunes, Inês; Klünder, Jil; Hebig, Regina; Steghöfer, Jan-Philipp; Schneider, Kurt; Happe, Lucia; Tichy, Matthias; Heinrich, Robert; Greiner, Sandra; Amaral, Vasco; Abrahão, Silvia; Chakraborty, Shalini; Rukmono, Satrio Adi; Kalantari, Reyhaneh; Wohlrab, Rebekka; Goulão, Miguel; Wyrich, Marvin; Herrmann, Marc; Gren, Lucas; Graßl, Isabella; Exelmans, Joeri; Oertel, Julian; Juhnke, Katharina; Marquardt, Kai - Cornell University :, 2024. - 20 pp..
- Systematizing Modeler Experience (MX) in Model-Driven Engineering Success Stories - Kalantari, Reyhaneh; Oertel, Julian; Exelmans, Joeri; Rukmono, Satrio Adi; Amaral, Vasco; Abrahão, Silvia; Steghöfer, Jan-Philipp; Juhnke, Katharina; Tichy, Matthias - Cornell University :, 2024. - 19 pp..
- Systematizing modeler experience (MX) in model-driven engineering success stories - Kalantari, Reyhaneh; Oertel, Julian; Exelmans, Joeri; Rukmono, Satrio Adi; Amaral, Vasco; Abrahão, Silvia; Steghöfer, Jan-Philipp; Juhnke, Katharina; Tichy, Matthias - Berlin : Springer, 2024. - 12 pp - (Software and systems modeling ; 2024).
- Human Factors in Model-Driven Engineering: Future Research Goals and Initiatives for MDE : article - Liebel, Grischa; Lazik, Christopoher; Nunes, Inês; Klünder, Jil; Hebig, Regina; Steghöfer, Jan-Philipp; Schneider, Kurt; Happe, Lucia; Tichy, Matthias; Heinrich, Robert; Greiner, Sandra; Amaral, Vasco; Abrahão, Silvia; Chakraborty, Shalini; Rukmono, Satrio Adi; Kalantari, Reyhaneh; Wohlrab, Rebekka; Goulão, Miguel; Wyrich, Marvin; Herrmann, Marc; Gren, Lucas; Graßl, Isabella; Exelmans, Joeri; Oertel, Julian; Juhnke, Katharina; Marquardt, Kai - Berlin : Springer, 2024. - 19 pp. - (Software and systems modeling ; 2024).
- Supporting value-aware software engineering through traceability and value tactics - Wohlrab, Rebekka; Herrmann, Marc; Lazik, Christopher; Wyrich, Marvin; Nunes, Inês; Heinrich, Robert; Gren, Lucas; Schneider, Kurt - gitbhub, 2024. - 8 pp..
The use of software models to design, analyze, generate, and document software is at the core of software engineering research and practice. Software modeling is traditionally studied from a technical perspective, considering aspects such as the technical design of language workbenches and specifications of modeling standards. Models are aimed at enabling practitioners to communicate about software designs, at making software understandable, or at making software easier to write through domain-specific modeling language.
Several recent studies challenge the idea that these aims can always be reached and indicate that human factors play a role in the success of modeling. However, there is an underrepresentation of studies focusing on human factors in modeling. Therefore, this GI Dagstuhl Seminar aims to gather young researchers that study human factors in software modeling in order to establish closer collaborations and identify future goals. Furthermore, the seminar will help establishing connection points with other disciplines by inviting researchers from fields that relate to human factors in software modeling, i.e., psychology and education. Finally, the seminar aims to anchor discussions in industrial needs and established research practice, by inviting a few selected senior participants from industry and academia.