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Research Meeting 25484

Turtle Hack: Fostering Computational Thinking in Programming Novices

( Nov 23 – Nov 28, 2025 )

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This meeting is supported by


This workshop brings together researchers and educators with a common mission: empowering students to become creative problem-solvers in a yet-unknown future. Central to our cause is the XLogoOnline learning environment, that is already embraced by a thriving community of over 100,000 learners each year. Developed collaboratively by leading universities and institutions such as ETH Zurich, Max-Planck-Institute of Technology, and University of Trier, this platform aims at providing the means to foster algorithmic problem-solving in compulsory schooling from primary to higher secondary school. Turtle Hack brings stakeholders together and serves as a nexus for sharing visions and expertise. We plan and discuss the future of our platform, guiding its trajectory for years to come. From workshops to brainstorming sessions, Turtle Hack is where theory meets practice, nurturing the next generation of programmers and innovators.

Copyright Jacqueline Staub

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  • Research Meeting 24484: Turtle Hack: Programmieren statt programmiert werden (2024-11-24 - 2024-11-29) (Details)