Dagstuhl Seminar 9323
Semantics of Programming Languages and Algebra
( Jun 07 – Jun 11, 1993 )
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- M. Droste
- Y. Gurevich
The theme of the conference was the interplay between various approaches to the semantics of programming languages and the mathematical areas of logic (especially model theory) and algebra. The topics of the 26 talks included
- questions of definability in first-order logic and its various extensions (fixed-point logic, generalized quantifiers, etc.)
- evolving algebras and various applications of them,
- denotational semantics and domain theory, and
- generalizations of automata theory and network theory.
There were many fruitful interactions and collaboration between specialists from different areas as well as wide-ranging and vigorous discussion sessions. The conference was attended by 33 participants from 11 countries.
On behalf of all participants, the organizers would like to thank the staff of Schloß Dagstuhl for providing an excellent environment for the conference.

- M. Droste
- Y. Gurevich