Dagstuhl Seminar 9729
Parallel Scheduling
( Jul 14 – Jul 18, 1997 )
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- E. Coffman (Bell Labs)
- E.W. Mayr (TU-München)
- U. Schwiegelshohn (Dortmund)
The Dagstuhl Seminar on "Parallel Scheduling" was organized by Ed Coffman, Ernst W. Mayr, and Uwe Schwiegelshohn. In this event, 29 researchers from 10 countries participated. In 27 talks they presented their latest results on scheduling, covering a wide range of topics. The abstracts of these talks have been collected in this report.
Special events were a hiking tour on Wednesday afternoon and an open problems session held on Thursday evening. Most of the open problems presented there have been included at the end of this report.
Due to the outstanding facilities at Schloß Dagstuhl, this seminar was a most enjoyable and memorable event.
- E. Coffman (Bell Labs)
- E.W. Mayr (TU-München)
- U. Schwiegelshohn (Dortmund)