Dagstuhl Seminar 99111
Systems Integration
( Mar 14 – Mar 19, 1999 )
- P. Ciancarini (Bologna)
- S. Conrad (Magdeburg)
- W. Hasselbring (Tilburg)
The integration of systems which have been developed and evolved independently is one of today's major challenges in computer science. In a large spectrum of application areas the necessity of integrating (pre-) existing software systems is present and demands for applicable solutions.
Problems of coupling and integrating heterogeneous database and information systems are for instance investigated in the database area. Building multidatabase systems or federated database systems incorporating legacy systems is a big challenge. Current work covers topics like schema integration, transaction models for federated database systems, consistency enforcement in heterogeneous systems, security models, and query processing.
On the other hand, systems integration is an important challenge for the area of software engineering as well. Current work deals with questions of adequate software architectures and design patterns, coordination languages and models, composition of software components, development of workflow systems, the proper use of middleware tools such as CORBA, and methodological approaches for the integration process.
The rapid development of Web-related methodologies and tools also stimulates new problems, with respect to the access to Web data, the design and maintenance of Web sites, and their integration with traditional applications.
This Seminar was initiated due to the fact that there was only a rather loose coupling of the work done in these scientific communities, although the work of these areas is obviously highly interrelated. Therefore, we saw the chance that both areas can profit a lot from a mutual exchange of problems and ideas.
The Seminar brought together scientists from these two areas. A main focus of the Seminar was set on integration on system level. However, the influence of other integration levels (e.g., integration on schema or model level) was considered as well. Cross-disciplinary working groups were established during the Seminar aiming at a more detailed investigation of common problems.
- P. Ciancarini (Bologna)
- S. Conrad (Magdeburg)
- W. Hasselbring (Tilburg)