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Dagstuhl Seminar 99431

Scheduling in Computer and Manufacturing Systems

( Oct 24 – Oct 29, 1999 )

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  • E. Coffman (Murray Hill)
  • G. Finke (Grenoble)
  • J. Blazewicz (Poznan)
  • K. Ecker (Clausthal)


The objective of the seminar is to provide a forum for the discussion of current and proposed research in scheduling problems. The seminar will promote an exchange of ideas covering the entire spectrum from case studies of real applications to recent advances in mathematical foundations.

The seminar expects to address not only classical application areas such as distributed processing, operating systems, dependable systems, flexible manufacturing, etc. but also exciting new areas such as those in modern communications, examples being wireless networks, multimedia networks, and the internet.

The seminar will proceed along three broad fronts:

  1. applications, which includes empirical studies of existing systems as well as numerical studies of the analyses or simulations of system models;
  2. algorithmics, which includes the design and analysis of perhaps randomized algorithms ranging from simple and tractable on-line and greedy rules to methods based on semi-enumerative approaches, branch and bound, local neighborhood search, LP formulations, etc.;
  3. theory, which includes recent results in complexity classification, approximability, approximation schemes, analysis of classical problems under novel (or multiple) criteria, etc.

  • E. Coffman (Murray Hill)
  • G. Finke (Grenoble)
  • J. Blazewicz (Poznan)
  • K. Ecker (Clausthal)

Related Seminars
  • Dagstuhl Seminar 9520: Scheduling in Computer & Manufacturing Systems (1995-05-15 - 1995-05-19) (Details)
  • Dagstuhl Seminar 9723: Scheduling in Computer and Manufacturing Systems (1997-06-02 - 1997-06-06) (Details)
  • Dagstuhl Seminar 02231: Scheduling in Computer and Manufacturing Systems (2002-06-02 - 2002-06-07) (Details)
  • Dagstuhl Seminar 04231: Scheduling in Computer and Manufacturing Systems (2004-05-31 - 2004-06-04) (Details)