The following diagram shows the organizational units of Schloss Dagstuhl.

Schloss Dagstuhl, the Leibniz Center for Informatics was originally founded in 1990 to provide a retreat for world class research and training in computer science. It was modelled after the then already well-known Oberwolfach Research Institute for Mathematics (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, MFO) and quickly established a similar seminar program. Its success rests not only on the concept of sequestering an international group of top researchers to discuss and exchange ideas, but also on providing an environment conducive to discourse and interaction. Finally, the proposal and selection process through the Scientific Directorate along with the support work of our scientific staff play an important role in assuring quality of the seminar program.
In the meantime Schloss Dagstuhl has expanded its activities by two endeavors. We have started a publishing division with the goal of establishing high-quality and affordable open access publishing as the norm in computer science. Moreover, we have taken on the responsibility of maintaining and further developing the dblp computer science bibliography. This heavily used service had been started by Michael Ley at the University of Trier. The transfer to Schloss Dagstuhl along with a budget expansion earmarked towards dblp has put it on a very firm financial basis.
The three divisions of Schloss Dagstuhl — seminars, publishing, dblp — support different forms of communication in computer science. They complement each other nicely and give rise to a number of synergies.
Annual Reports document Schloss Dagstuhl's activities of the past years.
The following diagram shows the organizational units of Schloss Dagstuhl.
The departments of Schloss Dagstuhl are spread over three locations, which do not always correspond to the divisions "Seminars and Workshops", "Bibliographic Services", and "Open Access Publishing".