The scientific and scientific-technical staff of LZI hold a secret ballot to elect an ombudsperson who serves as a point of contact to report discrepancies, suspicions, and matters of dispute to, and who investigates allegations of scientific misconduct based on LZI’s internal guidelines. The ombudsperson, who is required to hold a university degree, is elected for a four year term of office, with the possibility of re-election. The ombudsperson provides advice confidentially on issues of good scientific practice and on questions regarding possible scientific misconduct. They attempt to mediate in cases of conflict. The ombudsperson reports annually to the management of LZI about their activities. All personal information is anonymized in the process. If you have a complaint that you could not resolve directly with Dagstuhl’s Staff, please contact the ombudsperson using
If appropriate and necessary, the ombudsperson for the LZI will forward an allegation concerning the scientific work of an external researcher to the ombudsperson of their home institution. If the ombudsperson decides that the allegations require further investigation, the case can be passed to the central ombudsperson of the Leibniz Association. If necessary the Leibniz Ombuds Committee can be contacted in writing directly at or Leibniz-Ombudsgremium, Leibniz-Gemeinschaft, Chausseestraße 111, 10115 Berlin.