of Dagstuhl Seminars and Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshops
While we hope that the pandemic will have subsided enough to not affect your seminar, some things might still be different at Dagstuhl. For the infection prevention measures, see https://www.dagstuhl.de/coronavirus.
Now that your proposal for a Dagstuhl Seminar or Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop (both will in the following be denoted by "seminar" for short) has been accepted, our service team will keep track of all steps for a successful seminar preparation and will request all necessary materials from you as soon as reasonable. You can support our work by responding in time.
While most of the preparation is handled by Schloss Dagstuhl's team, directing the seminar itself is the responsibility of the organizers, as is the follow-up after. For that reason, Schloss Dagstuhl expects all members of the organizer team to attend and actively participate in the moderation of this seminar, thereby ensuring its success.
Contact: Seminars
For question about organizing Dagstuhl Seminars, contact:
Dr. Andreas Dolzmann
Kontakt Dagstuhl Seminars
Contact: Perspectives Workshops
For questions about organizing Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshops, contact:
Dr. Marsha Kleinbauer
Kontakt Dagstuhl Perspektivenworkshops