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Schloss Dagstuhl Services
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  • DOOR (zum Registrieren eines Dagstuhl Aufenthaltes)
  • DOSA (zum Beantragen künftiger Dagstuhl Seminare oder Dagstuhl Perspektiven Workshops)
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Innerhalb dieser Seite:
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  • die Informatik-Bibliographiedatenbank dblp

Der Inhalt dieser Seite ist leider nur auf Englisch verfügbar.

Good Scientific Practice and Quality Assurance

The seminars and workshops division of Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik GmbH (LZI, or Schloss Dagstuhl for short), as well as the Scientific Directorate, are committed to the rules of good scientific practice in accordance with the guidelines of the Leibniz Association and the German Research Foundation (DFG). We are conscious of the responsibility that is inseparably connected to the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of science and to our own role as one of the leading social research infrastructures in the field of computer science.

Our staff, as well as Schloss Dagstuhl's guests, collaborators, and customers, are expected to comply with the rules of good scientific practice and, on site in Schloss Dagstuhl’s facilities or in their interactions in relation to Schloss Dagstuhl, with Schloss Dagstuhl’s code of conduct. See also the general good scientific practice and quality assurance principles of LZI not exclusively specific to this division.

In order to guarantee the compliance with the rules of good scientific practice and assure the scientific quality, the procedures and organizational structures further explained in the following play a crucial role.

Kontakt Seminare

Ombudsperson system

LZI and the Leibniz Association provide ombudspersons for good scientific practice. For details see the LZI’s ombudsperson system.

Dr. Florian Reitz


Scientific Directorate

The task of the Scientific Directorate is to implement the seminars and workshops division's designated purpose in a scientific and subject-matter capacity. It convenes twice a year to establish the research and event program and ensure the quality of its offerings. Of course, for its review and deliberation process, these guiding principles also apply.

Members of the Scientific Directorate are the Scientific Director and as many scientific experts as necessary and appropriate for the competent evaluation of important computer science fields. Members are appointed for a three year term with the possibility to be reappointed at most twice. They are appointed by the Supervisory Board following a joint proposal by the Scientific Director and the Scientific Advisory Board. Proposals for appointment are collated by the Scientific Director in collaboration with the Scientific Advisory Board based on proposals from the shareholders, the Scientific Directorate, and the Scientific Advisory Board. The current composition of the Scientific Directorate is listed on the LZI's website, see

Decision on the program


The criteria and deadlines for proposals for Dagstuhl Seminars or Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshops are communicated on our website, see Twice a year, formal proposals for Dagstuhl Seminars or Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshops can be submitted to Schloss Dagstuhl. The Scientific Directorate meets twice a year to discuss and decide on all these proposals. Proposals for GI-Dagstuhl Seminars are sent to and are decided upon by the GIBU (Advisory Board of University Professors of the Gesellschaft für Informatik). Schloss Dagstuhl’s Scientific Director can veto accepted GI-Dagstuhl Seminars. Proposals for summer schools, research group meetings, and research stays are sent to the Dagstuhl Office and are decided upon by the Scientific Director.

Decision on invitation

Participants of Dagstuhl Seminars and Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshops are invited by Schloss Dagstuhl’s Scientific Director upon suggestion of the organizers. Keeping the goals of equal opportunities and a balanced group composition in mind, Dagstuhl's Scientific Staff checks the suggestions in advance and works towards a balanced proportion of female participants (with regards to what would be expected), internationality and inclusion of scientists from different world-regions, as well as diversity in the participants with regard to their affiliations. In the case of Dagstuhl Seminars, the Scientific Staff also aims for a sufficient proportion of junior scientists.

The program and the topics of the Dagstuhl Seminars are communicated via the LZI's website. Space permitting, junior research scientists can apply for participation; the application is decided upon by the Scientific Director if the Seminar's organizers do not object to the applicant.

For GI-Dagstuhl Seminars and summer schools, which primarily aim at transfer of knowledge to junior scientists, as well as for research group meetings and similar events, the respective event’s organizers decide who can participate.

Documentation of the seminars

To share their results with the scientific community, Dagstuhl Seminars and Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshops document their proceedings in the open access series Dagstuhl Reports, while the latter also emanate their vision for the community in the open access series Dagstuhl Manifestos. For Dagstuhl Reports and Manifestos, the guiding principles of Dagstuhl Publishing apply.

Feedback mechanisms

For long-term quality assurance we provide multiple feedback mechanisms. For Dagstuhl Seminar and Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshops, these include the scientific staff members’ visits with the organizers each week as well as electronic and paper surveys for all participants that are also are used to support, accompany, and evaluate significant changes at Schloss Dagstuhl. Furthermore, the LZI monitors and possibly replies to feedback on social media like twitter.