Dagstuhl-Seminar 07191
Event Processing
( 06. May – 11. May, 2007 )
- K. Mani Chandy (CalTech - Pasadena, US)
- Opher Etzion (IBM - Haifa, IL)
- Rainer von Ammon (CITT GmbH - Regensburg, DE)
- EVA : An EVent Algebra Supporting Adaptivity and Collaboration in Event-Based Systems - Hinze, Annika M.; Voisard, Agnes - Berkeley : ICSI, 2009 - (TR ICSI - International Computer Science Institute / Berkeley ; 09-006).
- EVA : An event algebra supporting complex event specification : article pp. 1-25 - Hinze, Annika M.; Voisard, Agnes - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2015 - (Information systems : 48. 2015).
During the week of May 6-11, the event processing Dagstuhl seminar took place; In this seminar there were 43 participants from the following countries: Canada, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Israel, Korea, New-Zeeland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, and USA. The seminar had unusual proportion of industrial participants and included participants from: CITT, Cordys, Gartner, IBM, IDS Scheer, Microsoft, SoftwareAG, Oracle, RuleCore, and WestGlobal.
The seminar also consisted of people with several core disciplines such as: distributing computing, databases, software engineering, business process management, sensor networks, simulation and verification.
One of the participants commented that it seems that both academic and industrial people are interested in languages and implementation issues of complex event processing (either by rules or queries), in addition the academic people only were interested in the fundamental middleware issues (maybe since the industry people view it as engineering topics and not as research topic), while the industry people were interested on locating event processing in the buzzword-oriented universe (SOA, BI, BAM), a discussion that lacks research content, in the view of the academic people. Everybody though that the participants of the industry people had major contribution to this seminar. At the concluding session, the industry people compiled a list of research topics that the industry wishes to see, and the research people produced their wish list from the industry.
The seminar held deliberations (with some evening sessions in the wine cellar) on: what is event processing – use cases and classifications, is it a paradigm shift? Positioning EP relative to industry buzzwords (SOA, BAM, BI…), Semantics issues, modeling issues, and implementation issues.
- José Julio Alferes (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, PT) [dblp]
- Roger S. Barga (Microsoft Research - Redmond, US) [dblp]
- Mikael Berndtsson (University of Skövde, SE)
- Pedro Bizarro (University of Coimbra, PT)
- Tobias Blickle (Software AG - Saarbrücken, DE)
- Alexander Böhm (Universität Mannheim, DE) [dblp]
- François Bry (LMU München, DE) [dblp]
- Alejandro P. Buchmann (TU Darmstadt, DE) [dblp]
- Antonio Carzaniga (University of Lugano, CH) [dblp]
- Sharma Chakravarthy (University of Texas at Arlington, US)
- K. Mani Chandy (CalTech - Pasadena, US) [dblp]
- Henry Chang (IBM TJ Watson Research Center, US)
- Brian Connell (WestGlobal - Dublin, IE)
- Henk De Man (Cordys - Putten, NL)
- Vijay Dialani (IBM Almaden Center, US)
- Michael Eckert (LMU München, DE)
- Annmarie Ericson (University of Skövde, SE)
- Opher Etzion (IBM - Haifa, IL) [dblp]
- Avigdor Gal (Technion - Haifa, IL) [dblp]
- Dieter Gawlick (Oracle Labs., US)
- Jonathan Goldstein (Microsoft Research - Redmond, US) [dblp]
- Katharina Hahn (FU Berlin, DE)
- Annika M. Hinze (University of Waikato, NZ) [dblp]
- Eui-Nam Huh (Kyung Hee University, KR)
- Dean Jacobs (TU München, DE)
- Hans-Arno Jacobsen (University of Toronto, CA) [dblp]
- David Luckham (Stanford University, US)
- Wolfgang May (Universität Göttingen, DE)
- Peter Niblett (IBM United Kingdom Ltd. - Winchester, GB)
- Claudio Paniagua Macia (IBM Spain - Barcelona, ES)
- Marc Peters (IBM Deutschland - Köln, DE)
- Peter R. Pietzuch (Imperial College London, GB) [dblp]
- Calton Pu (Georgia Institute of Technology - Atlanta, US)
- Tore Risch (Uppsala University, SE)
- Harald Schöning (Software AG - Darmstadt, DE) [dblp]
- W. Roy Schulte (Gartner Inc. - Madison, US)
- Marco Seiriö (RuleCore - Göteborg, SE)
- Kirsten Terfloth (FU Berlin, DE)
- Susan Urban (Arizona State University - Tempe, US) [dblp]
- Agnès Voisard (FhG - ISST Berlin, DE) [dblp]
- Rainer von Ammon (CITT GmbH - Regensburg, DE)
- Carlo Zaniolo (UCLA, US)
- Liangzhao Zeng (IBM TJ Watson Research Center - Yorktown Heights, US)
Verwandte Seminare
- Dagstuhl-Seminar 10201: Event Processing (2010-05-16 - 2010-05-21) (Details)
- Event Processing (main classification)
- Artificial Intelligence
- Databases
- Programming Languages
- Semantics/specification/formal methods
- Software Engineering.
- Event Processing
- Real-time Information Systems
- Reactive systems
- Proactive systems
- Active Technologies.