Forschungstreffen 24263
Klausurtagung 2024 Forschungsgruppe Internet Architecture (INET)
( 23. Jun – 26. Jun, 2024 )
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- Iris Wagner (MPI für Informatik - Saarbrücken, DE)
- Heike Clemens (für administrative Fragen)
The Internet is one of the most successful man-made tools that has fundamentally changed society. Its spread has led to comprehensive upheavals in many areas of life and a fundamental change in communication behavior as well as media usage in the professional and private spheres.
In its retreat, the Internet Architecture research group of the Max Planck Institute for Informatics addresses current and future research topics on and with the Internet, the support of students through continuous improvement of teaching, and the guidance of PhD students on their beginning career path.

Verwandte Seminare
- Forschungstreffen 23174: Klausurtagung 2023 Forschungsgruppe Internet Architecture (INET) (2023-04-24 - 2023-04-26) (Details)
- Networking and Internet Architecture