Forschungstreffen 24264
Applied Machine Intelligence 2024
( 26. Jun – 28. Jun, 2024 )
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- Johannes Busse (HAW Landshut, DE)
- Thomas Hoppe (Fraunhofer FOKUS - Berlin, DE)
- Bernhard Humm (Hochschule Darmstadt, DE)
- Heike Clemens (für administrative Fragen)
The workshop addresses all application aspects of artificial intelligence from symbolic methods of semantic technologies to sub-symbolic methods of machine learning, neuro-symbolic and hybrid approaches combining symbolic and non-symbolic methods. The focus of this workshop series is on the practical use of these methods to solve real-world application problems.
Johannes Busse, Thomas Hoppe, and Bernhard Humm
Verwandte Seminare
- Forschungstreffen 25164: Applied Machine Intelligence 2025 (2025-04-13 - 2025-04-16) (Details)
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Computation and Language