Forschungstreffen 24486
Comparing Continuous Optimizers (COCO): 2nd Code and Documentation Sprint
( 24. Nov – 29. Nov, 2024 )
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- Dimo Brockhoff (Inria Saclay Centre and IP Paris, FR)
- Nikolaus Hansen (INRIA Saclay - Palaiseau, FR)
- Olaf Mersmann (HS Bund f. Öffentl. Verwaltung - Brühl, DE)
- Tea Tusar (Jozef Stefan Institute - Ljubljana, SI)
- Heike Clemens (für administrative Fragen)
COCO (COmparing Continuous Optimizers) is a platform for systematic and sound comparisons of real-parameter global optimizers. COCO provides benchmark function testbeds, experimentation templates which are easy to parallelize, and tools for processing and visualizing data generated by one or several optimizers. COCO is the basis for the (almost yearly) Blackbox Optimization Benchmarking workshop (BBOB) and undergoes constant extensions and rewritings.
Our second code and documentation sprint will bring together the main contributors of the platform to advance on the most pressing aspects of the software and its documentation and to discuss its long-term maintenance.
Anne Auger, Dimo Brockhoff, Nikolaus Hansen, Olaf Mersmann, and Tea Tusar
- Numerical Analysis
- Software Engineering
- Neural and Evolutionary Computing