Forschungstreffen 24487
Research Retreat Cologne Information Retrieval Group
( 24. Nov – 27. Nov, 2024 )
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- Timo Breuer (TH Köln, DE)
- Philipp Schaer (TH Köln, DE)
- Heike Clemens (für administrative Fragen)
The Cologne Information Retrieval Group (CIR) is working on the intersection of computer and information science to investigate the domain of information retrieval. Current research is on topics like quantitative modeling of user behavior in information retrieval systems, access and reusability of information from preprint servers in life sciences, technology and methodology for infrastructures for evaluating IR living lab principles, or the influence of search engines on political discourses. In the research retreat, new research topics and collaborations will be discussed.
Timo Breuer and Philipp Schaer