Dagstuhl-Seminar 25091
Tradeoffs in Reactive Systems Design
( 23. Feb – 28. Feb, 2025 )
- Jerónimo Castrillón-Mazo (TU Dresden, DE)
- Chadlia Jerad (University of Manouba, TN)
- Edward A. Lee (University of California - Berkeley, US)
- Claire Pagetti (ONERA - Toulouse, FR)
- Marsha Kleinbauer (für wissenschaftliche Fragen)
- Susanne Bach-Bernhard (für administrative Fragen)
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Reactive systems are software systems that engage in a continual dialogue with their environment. They constitute the software parts of cyber-physical systems where timely reactions are often critical to safety. Applications include autonomous vehicles, electric power systems, industrial automation, healthcare electronics, and robotics. Because the software engages in a continual dialog with its environment, it often has conflicting requirements. It needs to be predictable, but robust to unpredictable events; it needs to react in a timely manner, but this often requires reacting with inconsistent information; it needs to be adaptable, but demonstrably safe; and it needs to be secure, but accessible and available. Many conferences and workshops focus on one of the goals, such as achieving real-time behavior, without explicitly acknowledging the costs and without providing sound strategies for dealing with failures that prevent reaching the goals. The focus of this seminar will be on the tradeoffs that are intrinsic in the design of such systems. When you make a system predictable, available, secure, or even demonstrably safe, what have you lost? This Dagstuhl Seminar will pull in experts from manifold disciplines to identify and discuss the fundamental limits in reactive systems design that make tradeoffs inevitable.

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- Andres Barrilado
- Grzegorz Bazydlo
- Frédéric Boniol
- Hasna Bouraoui
- Thomas Carle
- Jerónimo Castrillón-Mazo
- Samarjit Chakraborty
- Anupam Chattopadhyay
- Arthur Clavière
- Marc Geilen
- Alain Girault
- Andrés Goens Jokisch
- Arpan Gujarati
- Jérôme Hugues
- Victor Jegu
- Erling Rennemo Jellum
- Chadlia Jerad
- Einar Broch Johnsen
- Hokeun Kim
- Edward A. Lee
- Shaokai Jerry Lin
- Claire Pagetti
- Jan Reineke
- Marcus Rossel
- Selma Saidi
- Klaus Schneider
- Martin Schoeberl
- Alexander Schulz-Rosengarten
- Katharina Sedow
- Manuel Serrano
- Marjan Sirjani
- Jonathan Sprinkle
- Eric Tutu Tchao
- Lothar Thiele
- Reinhard von Hanxleden
- Eugene Yip
- Distributed / Parallel / and Cluster Computing
- Programming Languages
- Systems and Control
- Reactive systems
- Time-centric software
- Distributed systems
- Concurrent Programming Models
- Cyber-Physical Systems