Dagstuhl-Seminar 9211
Programming Environments
( 09. Mar – 13. Mar, 1992 )
- G. Snelting
- P. Klint
- T. Reps
The goal of research on programming environments is to increase the productivity of the software development process by providing better tools for creating, manipulating, and understanding programs. Originating in the late 70's (and then mainly concerned with language-specific editors), the field has grown considerably, covering a wide variety of software development activities today. Recently, some systems and tools originating in academia have become available commercially.
During the week of March 9-13, 1992, a workshop on programming environments was held at the International Conference and Research Center for Computer Science at Dagstuhl Castle. The workshop brought together thirty active researchers in the area. It focused on new and recent developments, with emphasis on the following topics:
- Single-programmer language-based environments
- Generation of programming environments
- Tool-integration mechanism
- Debugging
- Merging and restructuring of systems
- Projection and understanding of systems
- Incremental computation.
The intention of the workshop was to stimulate intellectual ferment among the participants. The workshop's format made it possible for participants to give more in-depth presentations than is customary at conferences. The list of researchers invited contained people from both the United States and Europe, covering academia as well as industry. In addition to a number of prominent researchers, it included a number of students and recent Ph.D.s.
This report contains the abstracts of the talks presented at the workshop. They are direct transcripts of the hand-written abstracts that the participants entered into the Dagstuhl seminar book - only only light copy-editing has been performed.
In addition to the talks, several systems have been demonstrated, namely the Wisconsin Program Integration System, the FIELD system, the Synthesizer Generator, the SAMPλE language and environment, the ASF+SDF meta-environment, the partial evaluator Similix, and the PSG system.
Dagstuhls excellent facilities, as well as the nice setting, made this a particular interesting and stimulating week. Special thanks go to the Dagstuhl personnel for taking good care of us.
- G. Snelting
- P. Klint
- T. Reps