Dagstuhl-Seminar 9407
Structure and Complexity
( 14. Feb – 18. Feb, 1994 )
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- K. Ambos-Spies
- S. Homer
- U. Schöning
- The Isomorphism Conjecture Holds Relative to an Oracle : article : pp. 193 - 206 - Fenner, Stephen; Fortnow, Lance; Kurtz, Stuart A. - Philadelphia : SIAM, 1996 - (SIAM journal on computing : 25. 1996, 1).
- The Isomorphism Conjecture Holds Relative to an Oracle : article pp. 30-39 : 33rd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 1992 : Proceedings - Fenner, Stephen; Fortnow, Lance; Kurtz, Stuart A. - Los Alamitos : IEEE, 1992. - pp. 30-39.
The seminar ”Structure and Complexity” was the second Dagstuhl Seminar devoted to the structural aspects of Computational Complexity Theory. It was attented by 47 scientists who in 37 talks presented new results in this field. The following topics were among the main subjects covered by the talks: Kolmogorov complexity, resource bounded genericity and randomness, relativizations, descriptive complexity theory, and computational models.

- K. Ambos-Spies
- S. Homer
- U. Schöning