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Dagstuhl-Seminar 9536

CAD Tools for Products

( 04. Sep – 08. Sep, 1995 )

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  • D. Roller
  • J. Rossignac
  • P. Brunet

  • CAD systems development : tools and methods - Roller, Dieter; Brunet, Pere - Berlin : Springer, 1997. - X, 362 S.. ISBN: 3-540-62535-6.

Goals of this Dagstuhl Seminar

The objective of this seminar on CAD Tools for Products was to bring leading experts in the field of CAD—technology together and discuss research results and experience on advanced tools and methods that have the potential as a foundation for future CAD Systems.

The 36 participants of this seminar came from universities, research institutes an industrial companies of nine different countries.

Workshops and presentations throughout the week covered the following major CAD topics:

  • Algorithmic aspects
  • Product data and development process
  • CAD Architecture
  • Feature-based modeling
  • Automatic feature recognition
  • Surface design
  • System implementation

In the Dagstuhl-Seminar-Report, abstracts of the presented papers are included to provide an overview of the discussed solutions, methods and approaches for nex generation systems.

The lively discussions between the university researchers and the experts from companies have proven the importance of research exchange in this field between academic and industrial partners.

  • D. Roller
  • J. Rossignac
  • P. Brunet