Dagstuhl-Seminar 9645
Computational Cartography
( 04. Nov – 08. Nov, 1996 )
- C. Gold
- F. Wagner
- J. Snoeyink
The topic of Computational Cartography is intended to be broad enough to cover Computer-assisted Cartography, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and Computational Geometry applied to these and related subjects. It is clear that in the last few years these types of applications have attracted more and more interest in the computer science community, and also that GIS and related applications are being influenced by developments in computer science more than used to be the case. In addition, the whole concept of managing space within the computer is opening up new possibilities not covered by the traditional titles. It is obvious that there will be significant change in the next few years, and it is at get-togethers like this that the situation becomes clearer. On one hand the cartographers and GIS people made clear that the complexity of their applications asks for the contribution of theoreticians in form of algorithms which are simple, easy to implement and to integrate into existing systems. On the other hand the participating theoreticians from computational geometry are strongly interested in not only claiming the applicability of their GIS-oriented research in the abstracts of their papers but in really doing useful things. The workshop took place at the right moment and brought together people that were open to each other.
The participants (30) came from Germany (10), the rest of Europe (9), North America (10), and Asia (1); most of them from universities (researchers from the Computational Geometry, Geoinformatics and Cartography communities), a few from GIS companies or institutions using such systems. During the workshop 25 talks were given. Main topics of interest were Simplification/Generalization, 3D-Modeling of terrains, Map Labeling, Multiresolution Modeling, Map overlay and user-oriented aspects of GIS design.
In addition a panel discussion on Problems in Practice, a debate entitled Approximately Precise, a software demonstration, and an open problem session took place.

- C. Gold
- F. Wagner
- J. Snoeyink
Verwandte Seminare
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