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How to charge your electric vehicle at Schloss Dagstuhl

There is a charging station for electric vehicles with 2 public charging points located on Schloss Dagstuhl's parking lot.

More are nearby:

Below, you will find English instructions on how to use one of the charging points, as the charging station only displays instructions in German. For a step by step guide, look below the translation of the displayed instructions. Please mind the disclaimer.

charging stetion by energis, grey and orange

Direct translation of displayed instructions for the left charging point

Original German instruction label

German charging label

Translated English instruction label

English translation of label

Step by Step charging instructions

Option 1: Authorizing a charging point with the eCharge app

  1. Download the eCharge+ app by Compleo Charging Software GmbH and install it.
  2. Open the eCharge+ app.
  3. Choose the option to Scan a QR code (middle button), see first, i.e., left, picture.
  4. Scan the "intercharge" QR code below the label (next to the green "e"), see second, i.e., middle, picture.
  5. Choose the method of payment. The third, i.e., right, picture shows PayPal as a selected payment method.
  6. If you decline to get a receipt, you do not need to give an address. To decline choose "Nein" for the selection at "Rechnung erstellen?", as shown in the third, i.e., right, picture.
  7. Click "Laden & bezahlen" and authorize the payment.
  8. Connect your vehicle to the charging point as described in the last section.
screenshots of eCharge app

Option 2: Authorizing a charging point with "Direct Payment"

  1. Scan the QR code for "Direct Payment". (First, i.e., leftmost, picture)
  2. Type in the charging point ID found below the PayPal logo. (Second picture)
  3. Click the green "Laden vorbereiten" button. (Third picture)
  4. Select your method of Payment at "Zahlungsmethode auswählen" (Fourth picture) and check the box next to the "Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen" fine print. If you uncheck the "Rechnung gewünscht?" box, you do not need to provide an address. The fifth (i.e., leftmost) picture shows the result for PayPal.
  5. Click the blue "Laden & bezahlen" button and authorize the payment.
  6. Connect your vehicle to the authorized charging point as described in the next section.
Screenshots showing the steps for direct payment

After authorizing the charging point: Connecting the vehicle

  1. Get your IEC 62196 Type 2 connector charging cable and plug the small plug (see first, i.e., left top, picture) into the authorized charging point socket outlet (see second, i.e., right top, picture).
    For Information on how to authorize the charging point see either of the two previous sections.
  2. Plug the big connector (see third, i.e., bottom left, picture) into your vehicle inlet (see fourth, i.e., bottom right, picture).
  3. Lock your vehicle.
  4. The vehicle should start to charge after a few seconds.
  5. To disconnect and stop charging, unlock the vehicle and remove the charging cable from the vehicle.
Steps to connect a typ-2 charging cable


There is no guarantee for the accuracy of the instructions or translations. Schloss Dagstuhl is not liable for any damage to the vehicle, cables, or charging infrastructure.
The charging points are not operated by Schloss Dagstuhl and prices may  differ from the ones shown in the screenshots.