As a LIPIcs/OASIcs author, you will be invited by e-mail to register at the Dagstuhl Submission Server. The server will guide you through the publication workflow. Preliminary information can be found here:
On November 4, 2022, the Joint Science Conference (GWK) selected Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Center for Informatics and the consortium NFDIxCS for federal and state funding within the German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI).
Seit 2 hoch 5 Jahren bietet das Leibniz Zentrum für Informatik Schloss Dagstuhl (LZI) den hellsten Köpfen der Informatikforschung einen Ort sich zu treffen und auszutauschen. Dieser Anlass wurde durch ein Festkolloquium begangen.
Experts on AI were meeting with NGOs at Schloss Dagstuhl this week. Together, they worked to employ the power of AI for humanitarian and development work.