As a LIPIcs/OASIcs author, you will be invited by e-mail to register at the Dagstuhl Submission Server. The server will guide you through the publication workflow. Preliminary information can be found here:
Dagstuhl Publishing has optimized its workflow in the FAIRCORE4EOSC project by enhancing DSUB and DROPS to simplify the submission and archiving of supplementary materials, especially research software, thus ensuring better integration and long-term accessibility.
In this Call for Use-Case Articles, we solicit submissions of journal articles that describe in detail use-cases (in the form of applications, events, products, services, etc.) that put into practice research on Graph Data & Knowledge (GD&K) per the topics described in TGDK’s Call for Papers
2024 was another very successful year for Dagstuhl Publishing. In addition to the continuous growth of the publishing activity, we were able to achieve improvements in various areas with regard to the quality and quantity of metadata and we were able to expand our services.
The open-access journal Leibniz Transactions on Embedded Systems (LITES) is soliciting original articles for a special issue on Industrial Real-Time Systems.
Since this December’s release, hosting the monthly dblp dump snapshots (in both XML and RDF/N-Triples format) has moved to the Dagstuhl Research Online Publication Server (DROPS). This step brings many advantages over the old Apache Directory Listings solution that dblp has been using since the mid-1990s: The DROPS digital library provides a clean and well-structured user interface, metadata and BibTeX records for all datasets are readily available, and required auxiliary files (like the matching DTD files for the XML releases) are always just one click away.
However, the probably most important improvement is that each dblp data release is now (finally!) properly registered for and labeled with a DOI.
As part of the FAIRCORE4EOSC project, Dagstuhl Publishing is providing two new open source components for the long-term archiving of software: the SWH Archive Client and the SWH Deposit Client enable software projects and their metadata to be permanently stored in SoftwareHeritage. These tools are now publicly available and support publishers and the scientific community in sustainably preserving digital research results.
With Bib2Doi, Dagstuhl Publishing provides a new web tool that allows authors to enrich their bib-files by quickly adding DOIs, URLs, or missing metadata.
Resources play an essential role in various aspects of Computer Science research. In the context of Graph Data & Knowledge, such resources may include benchmarks, datasets, engines, frameworks, interfaces, knowledge graphs, languages, ontologies, pre-trained models, standards, tools, user logs, web applications and services, etc. Unfortunately, despite the advances that such resources enable, the work invested into creating and maintaining them is often undervalued in a research setting.
In this Call for Resource Papers, we solicit submission of journal articles that describe in detail a resource relevant to research on Graph Data & Knowledge per the topics described in TGDK’s Call for Papers.
The first 20 papers accepted this year for publication by the Leibniz Transactions on Embedded Systems (LITES) will have the usual article processing charge (APC) fully waived, i.e., authors will not be charged any publication fees thanks to sponsorship by EMSIG. Furthermore the new editorial board has taken up its work in late 2023 and is actively soliciting new submissions.
The special issue "Autonomous Systems and Knowledge Graphs" seeks novel work that tackles theoretical and engineering challenges related to human and machine autonomy benefiting from KGs.
Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge (TGDK) welcomes proposals for Special Issues (SIs) devoted to a specific topic that is within its scope. Successful proposals will focus on research or application areas of emerging significance or for which innovative and novel work is being done.
Change is a constant in the academic world, and the world of computer science is no exception. A recent, very significant change has been the change of Chair of the LIPIcs (Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics) Editorial Board. After six years of dedicated service, Luca Aceto has passed the torch to the capable hands of Meena Mahajan.
Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge is an Open Access journal that publishes research contributions relating to the use of graphs for data and knowledge management. Such contributions may be experimental or theoretical in nature, where submissions that combine both aspects are particularly welcome.
We are pleased to announce that a new scientific journal - Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge (TGDK) - has been added to Dagstuhl Publishing's portfolio. TGDK is a Diamond Open Access journal that publishes research contributions relating to the use of graphs for data and knowledge management.
We are pleased to present Dagstuhl Publishing's new publication server "DROPS" (Dagstuhl Research Online Publication Server) at the familiar address: After a public beta phase lasting several months, the server officially went live earlier today.
In the field of academic publishing, innovation and adaptability are crucial for success. Dagstuhl Publishing, the publishing house of Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics, looks back on a still short but very successful history in academic publishing. The first volume in its largest and most successful series, LIPIcs, was published 15 years ago. In order to meet the growing demands in the field of Open Access, but also Open Science in general, an independent advisory board for the publishing house was founded at the beginning of the year on the recommendation of the institute's scientific advisory board. At the end of October, Prof. Dr. Boudewijn Haverkort was elected as the new chair of the Dagstuhl Publishing Advisory Board.
Luca Aceto, outgoing spokesperson of the LIPIcs Editorial Board, has published a blog post about LIPIcs and its development on the occasion of the International Open Access Week 2023.
On November 4, 2022, the Joint Science Conference (GWK) selected Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Center for Informatics and the consortium NFDIxCS for federal and state funding within the German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI).