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Within this website:
External resources:
  • DOOR (for registering your stay at Dagstuhl)
  • DOSA (for proposing future Dagstuhl Seminars or Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshops)
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Dagstuhl Seminars

Proposal Submission and Review Process

Applications for Dagstuhl Seminars and Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshops can be submitted twice a year via our electronic application system DOSA. The deadlines are the following:

  • April 15 of each year – the DOSA application system opens, in general, around April 1 of that year
  • November 1 of each year – the DOSA application system opens, in general, around October 15 of that year

As the application phase starts, DOSA's website will contain the following information:

  • Time-period containing the seminar slots that are to be filled in this application round.
  • Important dates and deadlines for the submission process: While the above mentioned deadlines (15 April / 1 November) for submission of the metadata (Part A) are fixed, the deadline for the submission of the application text (Part B), invitee list (Part C), and organizer CV's (Part D) are usually about a week after the first deadline. The proposed seminar dates (Part E) can be edited substantially longer.
  • Possible further technical details

Please enter the proposal metadata (Part A) and the proposed seminar dates (Part E) using the forms of DOSA; please upload the proposal text (Part B) and organizer CV's as PDF-files via DOSA; and finally please upload the invitee list (Part C) as CSV-file (UTF-8 encoded). For details regarding the proposal parts, please visit "Composition of a Proposal".


Dr. Marsha Kleinbauer

Contact Seminar Proposals

Review Process

All applications are peer-reviewed by Dagstuhl's Scientific Directorate and external reviewers. A decision will be made at a meeting of the Scientific Directorate.

Notifying the Organizers

The organizers are notified by email about the decision regarding their proposal in two to three steps: 

  1. Notification of acceptance or rejection of the application
  2. If the seminar has been approved, the assigned seminar date is provided. (This can be done together with step 1 or step 3.)
  3. Formal notification letter together with opinions and comments from the reviewers

Revision of Conditionally Accepted Seminars

Sometimes, a proposal is accepted under the condition of a few small revisions. In this case, please revise your proposal according to the reviewers' comments and the instructions provided in the notification letter. The revised proposal should be submitted as soon as possible but at the latest by the given deadline. Please understand that the scheduling of all seminars hinges on your timely response.

If desired, a reply to the reviewers' criticism can be included in the proposal text.

Resubmission of Not Accepted Proposals

  • In the case a proposal is not accepted, you are of course welcome to resubmit a revised version. But please take the reviewers' advice and suggestions into account. Note that the revised proposal is submitted as a new proposal, but the proposal number of the original application should be provided in the respective field in the metadata. Insufficient revision or the occurrence of new conceptual weaknesses can lead to a renewed rejection of the application.
  • We strongly recommend to explicitly describe how the advice and suggestions have been taken into account. If desired, a reply to the reviewers' criticism can be included as well.
  • If explicitly mentioned in the comments of the Scientific Directorate, a fifth organizer may be nominated.