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Seminar News

Shared cab to Türkismühle

May 1st, 2023 to April 30, 2024: Free rides with a shared cab from Dagstuhl to the Türkismühle train station each Friday at 12:45pm and at 13:45pm.

Schloss Dagstuhl's remote location does not only make it easier for scientists to seclude themselves with colleagues to concentrate on the science, but also makes it harder to travel to and from Dagstuhl. To help simplify travel for participants of Dagstuhl's scientific events, the Friends of Dagstuhl, with the generous support of Christa Wegener-Mürbe from the estate of Ingo Wegener, will make leaving Dagstuhl after an exhausting week full of computer science easier for Dagstuhl's guests: For a full year, from May 1st, 2023 to April 30, 2024, there will be free rides with a shared cab from Dagstuhl to the Türkismühle train station each Friday at 12:45pm and at 13:45pm. This will allow for a relaxed departure after the "last lunch" on Friday free from having to organize a ride to catch one's train. From Türkismühle, there are trains running to Frankfurt, Saarbrücken, Trier, and other destinations.