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Jan 02 – Jan 05, 2024 • Research Meeting 24014
Ontologie, Linguistik, Terminologie, Logik
Johannes Busse (HAW Landshut, DE) Anatol Reibold (Universität Leipzig, DE & Cardiso GmbH - Frankfurt/Main, DE)
Jan 02 – Jan 05, 2024 • Research Meeting 24016
Semantics of Software Systems
Andreas Zeller (CISPA - Saarbrücken, DE)
Jan 03 – Jan 05, 2024 • Research Meeting 24013
Unknown Data: Mining and Consolidating Research Dataset Metadata on the Web
Benedikt Maria Beckermann (Schloss Dagstuhl - Trier, DE)
Jan 07 – Jan 12, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24021
From Proofs to Computation in Geometric Logic and Generalizations
Ingo Blechschmidt (Universität Augsburg, DE) Thierry Coquand (University of Gothenburg, SE) Hajime Ishihara (Toho University - Chiba, JP) Peter M. Schuster (University of Verona, IT)
Jan 07 – Jan 12, 2024 • Research Meeting 24024
Open Machine Learning 2024 Winter Workshop
Pieter Gijsbers (TU Eindhoven, NL) Joaquin Vanschoren (TU Eindhoven, NL)
Jan 08 – Jan 12, 2024 • Research Meeting 24023
Workshop on Historical Cryptology
Bernhard Esslinger (Universität Siegen, DE) Beáta Megyesi (Stockholm University, SE)
Jan 14 – Jan 19, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24031
Fusing Causality, Reasoning, and Learning for Fault Management and Diagnosis
Alessandro Cimatti (Bruno Kessler Foundation - Trento, IT) Meir Kalech (Ben Gurion University - Modiin, IL) Maria Krantz (Helmut-Schmidt-Universität - Hamburg, DE) Ingo Pill (Silicon Austria Labs - Graz, AT)
Jan 14 – Jan 19, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24032
Representation, Provenance, and Explanations in Database Theory and Logic
Pablo Barcelo (PUC - Santiago de Chile, CL) Pierre Bourhis (CNRS - CRIStAL, Lille, FR) Stefan Mengel (CNRS, CRIL - Lens, FR) Sudeepa Roy (Duke University - Durham, US)
Jan 21 – Jan 26, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24041
Symmetric Cryptography
Christof Beierle (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, DE) Bart Mennink (Radboud University Nijmegen, NL) Maria Naya-Plasencia (INRIA - Paris, FR) Yu Sasaki (NTT - Tokyo, JP)
Jan 21 – Jan 24, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24042
The Emerging Issues in Bioimaging AI Publications and Research
Jianxu Chen (ISAS - Dortmund, DE) Florian Jug (Human Technopole - Milano, IT) Susanne Rafelski (Allen Insitute for Cell Science - Seattle, US) Shanghang Zhang (Peking University, CN)
Jan 28 – Feb 02, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24051
Next Generation Protocols for Heterogeneous Systems
Stephanie Balzer (Carnegie Mellon University - Pittsburgh, US) Marco Carbone (IT University of Copenhagen, DK) Roland Kuhn (Actyx AG - Kassel, DE) Peter Thiemann (Universität Freiburg, DE)
Jan 28 – Feb 02, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24052
Reviewer No. 2: Old and New Problems in Peer Review
Iryna Gurevych (TU Darmstadt, DE) Anna Rogers (IT University of Copenhagen, DK) Nihar Shah (Carnegie Mellon University - Pittsburgh, US)
Feb 04 – Feb 09, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24061
Are Knowledge Graphs Ready for the Real World? Challenges and Perspective
David Chaves-Fraga (University of Santiago de Compostela, ES) Oscar Corcho (Technical University of Madrid, ES) Anastasia Dimou (KU Leuven, BE) Maria-Esther Vidal (TIB - Hannover, DE)
Feb 04 – Feb 09, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24062
Beyond-Planar Graphs: Models, Structures and Geometric Representations
Vida Dujmovic (University of Ottawa, CA) Seok-Hee Hong (The University of Sydney, AU) Michael Kaufmann (Universität Tübingen, DE) János Pach (Alfréd Rényi Institute - Budapest, HU & EPFL - Lausanne, CH)
Feb 11 – Feb 16, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24071
Safety Assurance for Autonomous Mobility
Jyotirmoy Deshmukh (USC - Los Angeles, US) Bettina Könighofer (TU Graz, AT) Dejan Nickovic (AIT - Austrian Institute of Technology - Wien, AT) Ufuk Topcu (University of Texas - Austin, US)
Feb 11 – Feb 16, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24072
Triangulations in Geometry and Topology
Maike Buchin (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, DE) Jean Cardinal (ULB - Brussels, BE) Arnaud de Mesmay (CNRS, Gustave Eiffel University - Marne-la-Vallée, FR) Jonathan Spreer (University of Sydney, AU)
Feb 18 – Feb 23, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24081
Computational Approaches to Strategy and Tactics in Sports
Ulf Brefeld (Universität Lüneburg, DE) Jesse Davis (KU Leuven, BE) Laura de Jong (Deakin University - Melbourne, AU) Stephanie Kovalchik (Zelus Analytics - Austin, US)
Feb 18 – Feb 23, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24082
AI for Social Good
Claudia Clopath (Imperial College London, GB) Ruben De Winne (Oxfam Novib - The Hague, NL) Mohammad Emtiyaz Khan (RIKEN - Tokyo, JP) Jacopo Margutti (510 / Netherlands Red Cross - The Hague, NL)
Feb 25 – Mar 01, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24091
Reflections on Pandemic Visualization
Daniel Archambault (Newcastle University, GB) Fintan McGee (Luxembourg Inst. of Science & Technology, LU) Simone Scheithauer (Universitätsmedinzin Göttingen, DE) Tatiana von Landesberger (Universität Köln, DE)
Feb 25 – Mar 01, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24092
Applied and Combinatorial Topology
Pawel Dlotko (Polish Academy of Science, PL) Dmitry Feichtner-Kozlov (Universität Bremen, DE) Anastasios Stefanou (Universität Bremen, DE) Yusu Wang (University of California, San Diego - La Jolla, US)
Mar 03 – Mar 08, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24101
Robust Query Processing in the Cloud
Anastasia Ailamaki (EPFL - Lausanne, CH) Goetz Graefe (Google - Madison, US) Allison Lee (Snowflake - San Mateo, US) Caetano Sauer (Salesforce - München, DE)
Mar 03 – Mar 08, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24102
Shapes in Graph Data: Theory and Implementation
Shqiponja Ahmetaj (TU Wien, AT) Slawomir Staworko (relationalAI - Berkeley, US) Jan Van den Bussche (Hasselt University, BE)
Mar 10 – Mar 15, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24111
Logics for Dependence and Independence: Expressivity and Complexity
Juha Kontinen (University of Helsinki, FI) Jonni Virtema (University of Sheffield, GB) Heribert Vollmer (Leibniz Universität Hannover, DE) Fan Yang (Utrecht University, NL)
Mar 10 – Mar 13, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24112
EU Cyber Resilience Act: Socio-Technical and Research Challenges
Mila Dalla Preda (University of Verona, IT) Serge Egelman (ICSI - Berkeley, US) Anna Maria Mandalari (University College London, GB) Narseo Vallina-Rodriguez (IMDEA Networks Institute - Madrid, ES)
Mar 17 – Mar 22, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24121
Trustworthiness and Responsibility in AI – Causality, Learning, and Verification
Vaishak Belle (University of Edinburgh, GB) Hana Chockler (King's College London, GB) Sriraam Natarajan (University of Texas at Dallas - Richardson, US) Shannon Vallor (University of Edinburgh, GB) Kush R. Varshney (IBM Research - Yorktown Heights, US) Joost Vennekens (KU Leuven, BE)
Mar 17 – Mar 22, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24122
Low-Dimensional Embeddings of High-Dimensional Data: Algorithms and Applications
Fred Hamprecht (Universität Heidelberg, DE) Dmitry Kobak (Universität Tübingen, DE) Smita Krishnaswamy (Yale University - New Haven, US) Gal Mishne (University of California, San Diego - La Jolla, US)
Mar 24 – Mar 26, 2024 • Research Meeting 24133
GIBU 2024: GI-Beirat der Universitätsprofessor*innen
Lars Grunske (HU Berlin, DE)
Mar 24 – Mar 27, 2024 • Research Meeting 24134
Towards A Unified Interface For Modern Probabilistic Model Checking Tools
Sebastian Junges (Radboud University Nijmegen, NL) David Parker (University of Oxford, GB)
Apr 01 – Apr 04, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24141
Network Calculus
Steffen Bondorf (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, DE) Anne Bouillard (Huawei Technologies - Boulogne-Billancourt, FR) Markus Fidler (Leibniz Universität Hannover, DE) Jörg Liebeherr (University of Toronto, CA)
Apr 01 – Apr 05, 2024 • Research Meeting 24144
Paradigms of ML: Links between human-, model- and data-centric learning
Diego Botache (Universität Kassel, DE) Kristina Dingel (Universität Kassel, DE) David Meier (Helmholtz-Zentrum - Berlin, DE)
Apr 02 – Apr 03, 2024 • Research Meeting 24143
Generative AI for Knowledge Engineering
Achim Rettinger (Universität Trier, DE) Steffen Thoma (FZI - Karlsruhe, DE)
Apr 03 – Apr 05, 2024 • Research Meeting 24145
Klausurtagung Telematik Karlsruhe (KIT)
Michael König (KIT - Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, DE) Martina Zitterbart (KIT - Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, DE)
Apr 07 – Apr 12, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24151
Methods and Tools for the Engineering and Assurance of Safe Autonomous Systems
Ignacio J. Alvarez (Intel - Hillsboro, US) Philip Koopman (Carnegie Mellon University - Pittsburgh, US) Mario Trapp (TU München, DE) Elena Troubitsyna (KTH Royal Institute of Technology - Stockholm, SE)
Apr 07 – Apr 12, 2024 • Research Meeting 24153
AI for Realistic Science: Advances and Challenges in Large-Scale Experimental Facilities
Ian T. Foster (Argonne National Laboratory - Lemont, US) Tony Hey (Science and Technology Facilities Council - Didcot, GB) James A Sethian (University of California - Berkeley, US) Arjun Shankar (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US) Jeyan Thiyagalingam (Rutherford Appleton Lab. - Didcot, GB)
Apr 14 – Apr 19, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24161
Research Software Engineering: Bridging Knowledge Gaps
Stephan Druskat (German Aerospace Center (DLR), Berlin, DE) Lars Grunske (HU Berlin, DE) Caroline Jay (University of Manchester, GB) Daniel S. Katz (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, US)
Apr 14 – Apr 19, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24162
Hardware Support for Cloud Database Systems in the Post-Moore’s Law Era
David F. Bacon (Google - New York, US) Carsten Binnig (TU Darmstadt, DE) David A. Patterson (University of California - Berkeley, US) Margo Seltzer (University of British Columbia - Vancouver, CA)
Apr 21 – Apr 26, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24171
Automated Synthesis: Functional, Reactive and Beyond
S. Akshay (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay - Mumbai, IN) Bernd Finkbeiner (CISPA - Saarbrücken, DE) Kuldeep S. Meel (University of Toronto, CA) Ruzica Piskac (Yale University - New Haven, US)
Apr 21 – Apr 24, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24172
Code Search
Satish Chandra (Google - Mountain View, US) Michael Pradel (Universität Stuttgart, DE) Kathryn T. Stolee (North Carolina State University - Raleigh, US)
Apr 24 – Apr 26, 2024 • Research Meeting 24173
bwInfoSec Retreat
Marc Herbstritt (Universität Freiburg, DE) Vincent Heuveline (Universität Heidelberg, DE)
Apr 28 – May 03, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24181
Computational Metabolomics: Towards Molecules, Models, and their Meaning
Timothy M. D. Ebbels (Imperial College London, GB) Soha Hassoun (Tufts University - Medford, US) Ewy A. Mathé (National Institutes of Health - Bethesda, US) Justin J. J. van der Hooft (Wageningen University & Research, NL)
Apr 28 – May 03, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24182
Resilience and Antifragility of Autonomous Systems
Simon Burton (Gerlingen, DE) Radu Calinescu (University of York, GB) Raffaela Mirandola (KIT - Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, DE)
May 05 – May 08, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24192
Generalization by People and Machines
Barbara Hammer (Universität Bielefeld, DE) Filip Ilievski (VU Amsterdam, NL) Sascha Saralajew (NEC Laboratories Europe - Heidelberg, DE) Frank van Harmelen (VU Amsterdam, NL)
May 05 – May 08, 2024 • Research Meeting 24193
Kolloquium zum GI-Dissertationspreis 2023
Rüdiger Reischuk (Universität zu Lübeck, DE)
May 12 – May 17, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24201
Discrete Algorithms on Modern and Emerging Compute Infrastructure
Kathrin Hanauer (Universität Wien, AT) Uwe Naumann (RWTH Aachen, DE) Alex Pothen (Purdue University - West Lafayette, US) Robert Schreiber (Cerebras Systems - Palo Alto, US)
May 12 – May 17, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24202
Causal Inference for Spatial Data Analytics
Fernando Perez Cruz (ETH Zürich, CH) Jakob Runge (DLR - Jena, DE & TU Berlin, DE) Martin Tomko (University of Melbourne - Carlton, AU) Yanan Xin (ETH Zürich, CH)
May 20 – May 24, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24211
Evaluation Perspectives of Recommender Systems: Driving Research and Education
Christine Bauer (Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg, AT) Alan Said (University of Gothenburg, SE) Eva Zangerle (Universität Innsbruck, AT)
May 20 – May 23, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24212
Classical-Quantum Synergies in the Theory and Practice of Quantum Error Correction
Carmen G. Almudéver (Technical University of Valencia, ES) Leonid Pryadko (University of California at Riverside, US) Valentin Savin (CEA - Grenoble, FR) Bane Vasic (University of Arizona - Tucson, US)
May 23 – May 24, 2024 • Research Meeting 24213
2nd Overall Project Meeting DFG FOR 5359
Marius Kloft (RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, DE) Steffen Reithermann (RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, DE)
May 26 – May 29, 2024 • Research Meeting 24223
Joint Meeting of the German Research Training Groups / Gemeinsamer Workshop der Graduiertenkollegs
Helen Bolke-Hermanns (RWTH Aachen, DE) Jan-Christoph Kassing (RWTH Aachen, DE) Michael Schaub (RWTH Aachen, DE) Michael Scholkemper (RWTH Aachen, DE)
Jun 02 – Jun 07, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24231
Stochastic Games
Nathanaël Fijalkow (CNRS - Talence, FR) Jan Kretinsky (Masaryk University - Brno, CZ) Ann Nowé (Free University of Brussels, BE) Uri Zwick (Tel Aviv University, IL)
Jun 02 – Jun 07, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24232
Designing Computers’ Control Over Our Bodies
Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze (University College London, GB) Mar Gonzalez-Franco (Google - Seattle, US) Florian 'Floyd' Mueller (Monash University - Clayton, AU) Misha Sra (University of California - Santa Barbara, US)
Jun 09 – Jun 14, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24241
Geometric modeling: Challenges for Additive Manufacturing, Design and Analysis
Tor Dokken (SINTEF - Oslo, NO) Xiaohong Jia (Chinese Academy of Sciences, CN) Géraldine Morin (IRIT - University of Toulouse, FR) Elissa Ross (Metafold 3D - Toronto, CA)
Jun 09 – Jun 14, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24242
Computational Analysis and Simulation of the Human Voice
Peter Birkholz (TU Dresden, DE) Oriol Guasch Fortuny (Ramon Llul University - Barcelona, ES) Nathalie Henrich Bernardoni (University Grenoble Alpes, FR) Sten Ternström (KTH Royal Institute of Technology - Stockholm, SE)
Jun 16 – Jun 21, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24251
Teaching Support Systems for Formal Foundations of Computer Science
Tiffany Barnes (North Carolina State University - Raleigh, US) Jan Vahrenhold (Universität Münster, DE) Thomas Zeume (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, DE)
Jun 16 – Jun 20, 2024 • Advanced Training 24254
Summer School "Data Management Techniques"
Goetz Graefe (Google - Madison, US)
Jun 16 – Jun 28, 2024 • Research Meeting 24259
Demands of Programming-Language Agnostic Test Case Reduction
Michael Philippsen (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, DE)
Jun 23 – Jun 28, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24261
Computational Creativity for Game Development
Duygu Cakmak (Creative Assembly - Horsham, GB) Setareh Maghsudi (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, DE) Diego Perez Liebana (Queen Mary University of London, GB) Pieter Spronck (Tilburg University, NL)
Jun 23 – Jun 26, 2024 • Research Meeting 24263
Klausurtagung 2024 Forschungsgruppe Internet Architecture (INET)
Iris Wagner (MPI für Informatik - Saarbrücken, DE)
Jun 26 – Jun 28, 2024 • Research Meeting 24264
Applied Machine Intelligence 2024
Johannes Busse (HAW Landshut, DE) Thomas Hoppe (Fraunhofer FOKUS - Berlin, DE) Bernhard Humm (Hochschule Darmstadt, DE)
Jun 30 – Jul 05, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24271
Theory of Randomized Optimization Heuristics
Anne Auger (INRIA Saclay - Palaiseau, FR) Tobias Glasmachers (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, DE) Martin S. Krejca (Ecole Polytechnique - Palaiseau, FR) Johannes Lengler (ETH Zürich, CH)
Jun 30 – Jul 05, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24272
A Game of Shadows: Effective Mastery Learning in the Age of Ubiquitous AI
Nick Falkner (University of Adelaide, AU) Juho Leinonen (Aalto University, FI) Miranda C. Parker (San Diego State University, US) Andrew Petersen (University of Toronto Mississauga, CA) Claudia Szabo (University of Adelaide, AU)
Jul 07 – Jul 12, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24281
Dynamic Traffic Models in Transportation Science
José R. Correa (University of Chile - Santiago de Chile, CL) Carolina Osorio (HEC - Montréal, CA & Google Research - Mountain View, US) Laura Vargas Koch (Universität Bonn, DE) David Watling (University of Leeds, GB)
Jul 07 – Jul 12, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24282
Automated Machine Learning for Computational Mechanics
Hyunsun Alicia Kim (UC - San Diego, US) Lars Kotthoff (University of Wyoming - Laramie, US) Marius Lindauer (Leibniz Universität Hannover, DE) Elena Raponi (Leiden University, NL)
Jul 14 – Jul 19, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24291
Programmable Host Networking
Gianni Antichi (Polytechnic University of Milan, IT) Katerina Argyraki (EPFL - Lausanne, CH) Aurojit Panda (New York University, US) Justine Sherry (Carnegie Mellon University - Pittsburgh, US)
Jul 14 – Jul 19, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24292
Improving Trust between Humans and Software Robots in Robotic Process Automation
Adela del Río Ortega (University of Sevilla, ES) Andrea Marrella (Sapienza University of Rome, IT) Hajo A. Reijers (Utrecht University, NL) Adriana Wilde (University of Southampton, GB)
Jul 21 – Jul 26, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24301
Art, Visual Illusions, and Data Visualization
Claus-Christian Carbon (Universität Bamberg, DE) Christophe Hurter (ENAC - Toulouse, FR) Mauro Martino (MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab - Cambridge, US) Bernice E. Rogowitz (Visual Perspectives - New York, US)
Jul 21 – Jul 26, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24302
Learning with Music Signals: Technology Meets Education
Cynthia Liem (TU Delft, NL) Brian McFee (New York University, US) Meinard Müller (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, DE)
Jul 28 – Aug 02, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24311
Resource-Efficient Machine Learning
Oana Balmau (McGill University - Montréal, CA) Matthias Böhm (TU Berlin, DE) Ana Klimovic (ETH Zürich, CH) Peter R. Pietzuch (Imperial College London, GB) Pinar Tözün (IT University of Copenhagen, DK)
Jul 28 – Aug 02, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24312
Security and Privacy of Current and Emerging IoT Devices and Systems
Bruno Crispo (University of Trento, IT) Alexandra Dmitrienko (Universität Würzburg, DE) Gene Tsudik (University of California - Irvine, US) Wenyuan Xu (Zhejiang University - Hangzhou, CN)
Aug 18 – Aug 23, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24341
Proof Representations: From Theory to Applications
Carlos Areces (National University - Córdoba, AR) Anupam Das (University of Birmingham, GB) Elaine Pimentel (University College London, GB) Lutz Straßburger (INRIA Saclay - Île-de-France, FR)
Aug 18 – Aug 21, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24342
Leveraging AI for Management Decision-Making
Stefan Feuerriegel (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, DE) Foster Provost (New York University, US) Galit Shmueli (National Tsing Hua University - Hsinchu, TW)
Aug 21 – Aug 23, 2024 • Research Meeting 24343
Simulation of Quantum Matter with a Focus on Long-Range Interactions
Andreas Buchheit (Universität des Saarlandes - Saarbrücken, DE) Benedikt Fauseweh (TU Dortmund, DE)
Aug 25 – Aug 30, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24351
Power, Energy, and Carbon-Aware Computing on Heterogeneous Systems (PEACHES)
Kerstin I. Eder (University of Bristol, GB) Timo Hönig (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, DE) Maja Hanne Kirkeby (Roskilde University, DK) Daniel Mosse (University of Pittsburgh, US) Max Plauth (UltiHash - Berlin, DE)
Aug 25 – Aug 30, 2024 • Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 24352
Conversational Agents: A Framework for Evaluation (CAFE)
Christine Bauer (Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg, AT) Li Chen (Hong Kong Baptist University, HK) Nicola Ferro (University of Padova, IT) Norbert Fuhr (Universität Duisburg-Essen, DE)
Sep 01 – Sep 06, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24361
Artificial Intelligence and Formal Methods Join Forces for Reliable Autonomy
Nils Jansen (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, DE) Mykel Kochenderfer (Stanford University, US) Jan Kretinsky (Masaryk University - Brno, CZ) Jana Tumova (KTH Royal Institute of Technology - Stockholm, SE)
Sep 01 – Sep 06, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24362
Next-Generation Secure Distributed Computing
Christian Cachin (Universität Bern, CH) Aniket Kate (Purdue University - West Lafayette, US & Supra Research - West Lafayette, US) Julian Loss (CISPA - Saarbrücken, DE) Kartik Nayak (Duke University - Durham, US)
Sep 08 – Sep 13, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24371
Extended Reality Accessibility
Gerd Bruder (University of Central Florida - Orlando, US) Thies Pfeiffer (Hochschule Emden/Leer, DE) Jeanine Stefanucci (University of Utah, US)
Sep 08 – Sep 11, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24372
Explainable AI for Sequential Decision Making
Hendrik Baier (TU Eindhoven, NL) Mark T. Keane (University College Dublin, IE) Sarath Sreedharan (Colorado State University - Fort Collins, US) Silvia Tulli (Sorbonne University - Paris, FR) Abhinav Verma (Pennsylvania State University - University Park, US)
Sep 15 – Sep 20, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24381
Algebraic and Analytic Methods in Computational Complexity
Markus Bläser (Universität des Saarlandes - Saarbrücken, DE) Shubhangi Saraf (University of Toronto, CA) Ronen Shaltiel (University of Haifa, IL) Jacobo Torán (Universität Ulm, DE)
Sep 15 – Sep 20, 2024 • Advanced Training 24383
IGAFIT Workshop for Algorithms Postdocs in Europe (AlgPiE by IGAFIT 2024)
Artur Czumaj (University of Warwick - Coventry, GB) Aditi Dudeja (Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg, AT) Nick Fischer (INSAIT Sofia, BG) Laura Vargas Koch (Universität Bonn, DE) Isabella Ziccardi (Bocconi University - Milan, IT)
Sep 22 – Sep 27, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24391
Statistical and Probabilistic Methods in Algorithmic Data Analysis
Aristides Gionis (KTH Royal Institute of Technology - Stockholm, SE) Matteo Riondato (Amherst College, US) Eli Upfal (Brown University - Providence, US)
Sep 22 – Sep 27, 2024 • Advanced Training 24393
Institute 2024 – Artificial and Human Intelligence
Mehul Bhatt (Örebro University, SE) Paul Hemeren (University of Skövde, SE) Vasiliki Kondyli (Jagiellonian University - Kraków, PL) Árni Kristjánsson (University of Iceland - Reykjavik, IS) Jakob Suchan (Constructor University - Bremen, DE)
Sep 22 – Sep 28, 2024 • Research Meeting 24399
Highly reliable decision-making under uncertainty
Bismark Singh (University of Southampton, GB)
Sep 29 – Oct 04, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24401
Fair Division: Algorithms, Solution Concepts, and Applications
Evangelos Markakis (Athens University of Economics and Business, GR) Ruta Mehta (University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign, US) Yair Zick (University of Massachusetts Amherst, US)
Sep 29 – Oct 02, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24402
Greening Networking: Toward a Net Zero Internet
Alexander Clemm (Los Gatos, US) Dirk Kutscher (HKUST - Guangzhou, CN) Michael Welzl (University of Oslo, NO) Cedric Westphal (Futurewei - Santa Clara, US) Noa Zilberman (University of Oxford, GB)
Oct 02 – Oct 04, 2024 • Research Meeting 24403
MCO Book Project: Computational Methods for Multiobjective Optimization
Kathrin Klamroth (Universität Wuppertal, DE) Boris Naujoks (TH Köln, DE)
Oct 02 – Oct 04, 2024 • Research Meeting 24404
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Information
Jens Allwood (University of Gothenburg - Mölndal, SE) Paavo Pylkkänen (University of Helsinki, FI) Michael Richter (Universität Leipzig, DE)
Oct 06 – Oct 11, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24411
New Tools in Parameterized Complexity: Paths, Cuts, and Decomposition
Fedor V. Fomin (University of Bergen, NO) Dániel Marx (CISPA - Saarbrücken, DE) Saket Saurabh (The Institute of Mathematical Sciences - Chennai, IN) Roohani Sharma (MPI für Informatik - Saarbrücken, DE)
Oct 06 – Oct 11, 2024 • Research Meeting 24413
Aligning Technology Architectures with Cross-Domain Metadata Models
Michelle Edwards (University of Guelph, CA) Arofan Gregory (DDI Alliance / CODATA - Jaffrey, New Hampshire, US) Simon Hodson (CODATA - Paris, FR) Steven McEachern (UK Data Service - Colchester, GB) Hilde Orten (Sikt - Bergen, NO) Joachim Wackerow (Ludwigshafen, DE)
Oct 13 – Oct 18, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24421
SAT and Interactions
Olaf Beyersdorff (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, DE) Laura Kovács (TU Wien, AT) Meena Mahajan (The Institute of Mathematical Sciences - Chennai, IN) Martina Seidl (Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, AT)
Oct 13 – Oct 18, 2024 • Research Meeting 24423
Evaluating and Refining Cross-Domain Metadata Exchange Frameworks
Michelle Edwards (University of Guelph, CA) Arofan Gregory (DDI Alliance / CODATA - Jaffrey, New Hampshire, US) Simon Hodson (CODATA - Paris, FR) Steven McEachern (UK Data Service - Colchester, GB) Hilde Orten (Sikt - Bergen, NO) Joachim Wackerow (Ludwigshafen, DE)
Oct 20 – Oct 25, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24431
Automated Programming and Program Repair
Claire Le Goues (Carnegie Mellon University - Pittsburgh, US) Michael Pradel (Universität Stuttgart, DE) Abhik Roychoudhury (National University of Singapore, SG) Shin Hwei Tan (Concordia University - Montreal, CA)
Oct 20 – Oct 25, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24432
Behavioural Metrics and Quantitative Logics
Barbara König (Universität Duisburg-Essen, DE) Radu Mardare (University of Strathclyde - Glasgow, GB) Prakash Panangaden (McGill University - Montréal, CA) Jurriaan Rot (Radboud University Nijmegen, NL)
Oct 27 – Oct 31, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24441
Machine Learning Augmented Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems
Deepak Ajwani (University College Dublin, IE) Bistra Dilkina (USC - Los Angeles, US) Tias Guns (KU Leuven, BE) Ulrich Carsten Meyer (Goethe University - Frankfurt am Main, DE)
Oct 27 – Oct 31, 2024 • Research Meeting 24443
Software Engineering Forschungsmethoden Training
Sven Apel (Universität des Saarlandes - Saarbrücken, DE) Sebastian Baltes (Universität Bayreuth, DE) Ben Hermann (TU Dortmund, DE)
Nov 03 – Nov 08, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24451
Machine Learning for Protein-Protein and Protein-Ligand Interactions
Anne-Florence Bitbol (EPFL - Lausanne, CH) Jennifer Listgarten (University of California - Berkeley, US) Tomas Pluskal (IOCB - Prague, CZ)
Nov 03 – Nov 08, 2024 • Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 24452
Reframing Technical Debt
Paris Avgeriou (University of Groningen, NL) Zadia Codabux (University of Saskatchewan - Saskatoon, CA) Heiko Koziolek (ABB - Mannheim, DE) Ipek Ozkaya (Carnegie Mellon University - Pittsburgh, US)
Nov 10 – Nov 15, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24461
Rethinking the Role of Bayesianism in the Age of Modern AI
Vincent Fortuin (Helmholtz AI - Neuherberg, DE) Zoubin Ghahramani (Google - Mountain View, US) Mohammad Emtiyaz Khan (RIKEN - Tokyo, JP) Mark van der Wilk (University of Oxford, GB)
Nov 10 – Nov 13, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24462
Research Infrastructures and Tools for Collaborative Networked Systems Research
Georg Carle (TU München - Garching, DE) Serge Fdida (Sorbonne University - Paris, FR) Kate Keahey (Argonne National Laboratory, US) Henning Schulzrinne (Columbia University - New York, US)
Nov 13 – Nov 15, 2024 • Research Meeting 24463
Explainable Decision-Making
Wolfgang Maaß (UdS - Saarbrücken, DE & DFKI - Saarbrücken, DE)
Nov 13 – Nov 15, 2024 • Research Meeting 24464
GPU-Accelerated Temporal Graph Learning with pathpyG
Ingo Scholtes (Universität Würzburg, DE)
Nov 17 – Nov 22, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24471
Graph Algorithms: Distributed Meets Dynamic
Keren Censor-Hillel (Technion - Haifa, IL) Yasamin Nazari (VU Amsterdam, NL) Eva Rotenberg (Technical University of Denmark - Lyngby, DK) Thatchaphol Saranurak (University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, US)
Nov 17 – Nov 22, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24472
Regular Expressions: Matching and Indexing
Inge Li Gørtz (Technical University of Denmark - Lyngby, DK) Sebastian Maneth (Universität Bremen, DE) Gonzalo Navarro (University of Chile - Santiago de Chile, CL) Nicola Prezza (University of Venice, IT)
Nov 24 – Nov 29, 2024 • Research Meeting 24484
Turtle Hack: Programmieren statt programmiert werden
Jacqueline Staub (Universität Trier, DE)
Nov 24 – Nov 27, 2024 • Research Meeting 24485
Workshop of the ELLIS Natural Language Processing Program
Iryna Gurevych (TU Darmstadt, DE) André F. T. Martins (IST - Lisbon, PT) Edoardo Maria Ponti (University of Edinburgh, GB) Ivan Titov (University of Edinburgh, GB)
Nov 24 – Nov 29, 2024 • Research Meeting 24486
Comparing Continuous Optimizers (COCO): 2nd Code and Documentation Sprint
Anne Auger (INRIA Saclay - Palaiseau, FR) Dimo Brockhoff (INRIA Saclay - Palaiseau, FR) Nikolaus Hansen (INRIA Saclay - Palaiseau, FR) Olaf Mersmann (HS Bund f. Öffentl. Verwaltung - Brühl, DE) Tea Tusar (Jozef Stefan Institute - Ljubljana, SI)
Nov 24 – Nov 27, 2024 • Research Meeting 24487
Research Retreat Cologne Information Retrieval Group
Timo Breuer (TH Köln, DE) Philipp Schaer (TH Köln, DE)
Nov 28 – Nov 29, 2024 • Research Meeting 24483
A long-term strategy for NFDI for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Christine Hennig (Fraunhofer FOKUS - Berlin, DE) Sonja Schimmler (Fraunhofer FOKUS - Berlin, DE)
Dec 01 – Dec 06, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24491
Deep Learning for RNA Regulation and Multidimensional Transcriptomics
Annalisa Marsico (Helmholtz Zentrum München, DE) Uwe Ohler (Max-Delbrück-Centrum - Berlin, DE) Igor Ulitsky (Weizmann Institute - Rehovot, IL) Gene Yeo (University of California - San Diego, US) Kathi Zarnack (Goethe-Universität - Frankfurt am Main, DE)
Dec 01 – Dec 06, 2024 • Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 24492
Human in the Loop Learning through Grounded Interaction in Games
Raffaella Bernardi (University of Trento, IT) Julia Hockenmaier (University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign, US) Udo Kruschwitz (Universität Regensburg, DE) Massimo Poesio (Queen Mary University of London, GB & Utrecht University, NL)
Dec 10 – Dec 11, 2024 • Research Meeting 24504
Bernd Fröhlich (Nikolaus-von-Kues-Gymnasium - Bernkastel-Kues, DE) Hannes Heusel (Eduard-Spranger Gymnasium Landau, DE & Pädagogisches Landesinstitut Rheinland-Pfalz - Speyer, DE)
Dec 11 – Dec 13, 2024 • Advanced Training 24503
Lehrerfortbildung in Informatik
Sebastian Connette (Bildungscampus Saarland, DE) Michael Gerke (Schloss Dagstuhl - Saarbrücken, DE) Hannes Heusel (Eduard-Spranger Gymnasium Landau, DE & Pädagogisches Landesinstitut Rheinland-Pfalz - Speyer, DE)
Dec 15 – Dec 20, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24511
Coding Theory and Algorithms for Emerging Technologies in Synthetic Biology
R. B. (TU München, DE) Olgica Milenkovic (University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign, US) Zohar Yakhini (Reichman University - Herzliya, IL) Yonatan Yehezkeally (TU München, DE)
Dec 15 – Dec 20, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 24512
Quantum Software Engineering
Shaukat Ali (Simula Research Laboratory - Oslo, NO) Johanna Barzen (Universität Stuttgart, DE) Andrea Delgado (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US) Hausi A. Müller (University of Victoria, CA) Juan Manuel Murillo (University of Extremadura - Cáceres, ES)
Dec 17 – Dec 22, 2024 • Dagstuhl Seminar 10519
Door: Testseminar 1
Michael Didas (Schloss Dagstuhl - Saarbrücken, DE) Thomas Schillo (Schloss Dagstuhl - Wadern, DE)