Schloss Dagstuhl, the Leibniz Center for Informatics, is operated as a non-profit organization. It receives joint funding from the German Federal Government and from the federal states of Germany. As a member of the Leibniz-Association, Schloss Dagstuhl receives this funding long term but is subject to regular review and evaluation. This public funding constitutes the lion's share of the budget. Other sources of revenue are fees and project funding.

Since 2006, Schloss Dagstuhl has received the joint federal and states funding, where the federal government (Federal), all the federal states of Germany (States), and especially the states Saarland (SL) and Rhineland-Palatine (RLP), provide Schloss Dagstuhl with public funds. The other revenue streams are fees from seminars and events (Seminars), fees from Dagstuhl Publishing (Publishing), and project funding (Projects) mainly for staff members – funding entities of the projects are listed on the respective project page. The exact share of each source of funding varies from year to year. In 2022 the revenue from seminars and events was lower than in the years before the COVID-19 pandemic, but project funding was higher. The diagram above, which shows the situation in 2022, can still provide a rough impression of the usual budget composition.
Before 2006, Schloss Dagstuhl was funded only by the states of Saarland (providing about 2/3 of the public funding) and Rhineland-Palatine (providing about 1/3), with a part of the budget stemming from seminar and event revenue.